What's the worst POS?
For me, theworst one was the first handgun I bought. I had gone to work for a motrocycle escort service, and they issued a nickel plated S&W Model 10 with a bull barrel. The first time I went out to do some target shooting, I opened the cylinder and it feel off the gun. I asked my boss if I could ymy own weapon and carry it, and he said, "Sure." I bought a Burgo .38 spl snubnose revolver. Boy, the gun shop owner saw me coming. The grips were a strange target design that were uncomfortable and a wood-grain plastic. I dropped the pistol one day and broke a chunk off the right grip panel. The timing was so loose that it consistently shaved a sliver of lead off the side of the bullet when the bullet entered the forcing cone, and I could not hit the side of a barn if I were inside it. A friend had a Ransom rest, and we took the gun to a range, and the gun, fired from the rest, was barely capable of hitting the paper, let alone the target. He told me never to pull it out unless I was at contact range. The gun would have made a good boat anchor, if I had a boat. I saved my money and went to a store similar to Costco, in Indianapolis, and bought a Dan Wesson .39/.357 mag. I ended up over time owning three of them. Now, I know a lot more about guns than I did back in those days, and I would never again buy a Burgo, it was the quintessential Saturdy Night Special.