What's the worst POS firearm you have ever owned?

Don't know how you cock-and-lock a DAO pistol......did you by chance mean a SAO? I guess you could "lock" a XD45 with the safety, but having the ability to "cock" the hammer pretty much precludes it from being a DAO pistol.....

I was referring to two different designs. My 1911s are carried cocked and locked; commonly called 'Condition 1'.

My other carry pistols--smaller 'pocket pistols' are DAO.

I didn't expect any confusion as a safety on a DAO has never made sense to me...
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I was referring to two different designs. My 1911s are carried cocked and locked; commonly called 'Condition 1'.

My other carry pistols--smaller 'pocket pistols' are DAO.

I didn't expect any confusion as a safety on a DAO has never made sense to me...

Agreed, saftey's on DAO pistols absolutely don't make sense. Just wanted to clarify what you meant.
RG 14
The POS would shoot once every 3 or 4 trigger pulls. 'Bout wore out my finger just to get through a whole cylinder. I bought it from a friend for ten bucks.
S&W made Walther PPK/S-1. Real jammamatic. At least one jam per magazine. Any magazine. Got worse
the more I fired the gun, not better. Only had a one year warranty, so Smith wasn't very proud of it
out the door. Finally sold it.
I know I am reviving an apparently old and buried thread. However, I wanted to add my little POS that I sold long ago. It was a Star PD in .45 ACP. Mine was blued. One of the first large bore sub-compacts. Though I liked the caliber and the "hideout" size of the pistol, it just seemed to have shoddy workmanship and the plastic buffer was definately a turn off. I was glad to get rid of it. Although the guy I sold it to apparently just let it sit in it's case. Never took it out to shoot or clean. One day while visiting I asked to see it. I noticed he had not once taken it out of the case since I had sold it to him and there was a fine layer of rust on the slide. I was really disappointed that he didn't at least try to take care of the pistol.

Star Model PD - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What's the worst POS?

For me, theworst one was the first handgun I bought. I had gone to work for a motrocycle escort service, and they issued a nickel plated S&W Model 10 with a bull barrel. The first time I went out to do some target shooting, I opened the cylinder and it feel off the gun. I asked my boss if I could ymy own weapon and carry it, and he said, "Sure." I bought a Burgo .38 spl snubnose revolver. Boy, the gun shop owner saw me coming. The grips were a strange target design that were uncomfortable and a wood-grain plastic. I dropped the pistol one day and broke a chunk off the right grip panel. The timing was so loose that it consistently shaved a sliver of lead off the side of the bullet when the bullet entered the forcing cone, and I could not hit the side of a barn if I were inside it. A friend had a Ransom rest, and we took the gun to a range, and the gun, fired from the rest, was barely capable of hitting the paper, let alone the target. He told me never to pull it out unless I was at contact range. The gun would have made a good boat anchor, if I had a boat. I saved my money and went to a store similar to Costco, in Indianapolis, and bought a Dan Wesson .39/.357 mag. I ended up over time owning three of them. Now, I know a lot more about guns than I did back in those days, and I would never again buy a Burgo, it was the quintessential Saturdy Night Special.
No POS yet with any of the firearms I own. BUT, I am an owner of 3 HiPoints and still NEVER had a problem with them. The Only thing I would say about them is that They are BIG and UGLY, oh, and heavy. My first guns because the price was right, perfect for My budget. Yeh, a few quirks at first but it was operator error on My part, new to guns, wrist thingy and all the other stuff. AND I have carried the C9 for CCW AND also used it in My NRA courses. I do not carry it Concealed anymore because I have found different gun/s that fit My needs since. I carry it Open once and awhile on the weekends while doing things around the house outside, etc. and I would trust it with My life. After seeing what else is out there I now see that it is just to big. The .45 is just a no need anymore gun..... period! I May sell that one in the near future. The 995 is a VERY fun gun to shoot and VERY accurate, YES, accurate. My favorite of the 3.
But again, no POS with any of My firearms..........yet. :no:
The worst POS if mine I still have but it hasn't been used in probably 12 years. It's a Bryco Arms .380. It jams EVERY shot unless I fold up a small piece of paper and wedge it between the heel plate and the latch that holds the magazine in. I don't even want to sell it and someone get a false sense of security from it.
Mine was an F.I.E. switch cylinder .22/ .22mag single action revolver, I put one cylinder full through it when I got it, and then not again til I moved back to Texas. I had to put down a dog my wife ran over, and when I went to shoot the trigger broke, That my friends went over like a lead balloon, and it was also the last cheap gun I EVER bought. :fie:
Some Taurus 9mm piece of crap I bought about 10 years ago before I knew sh*t about such things. As clueless as I was I knew that a pistol that FTF every couple of rounds was a bad thing. I sold the POS to some other clueless idiot. I have repented my sins since then and have come a long way, and now carry a Kimber Pro Carry.
Don't know how you cock-and-lock a DAO pistol......did you by chance mean a SAO? I guess you could "lock" a XD45 with the safety, but having the ability to "cock" the hammer pretty much precludes it from being a DAO pistol.....

I think you missed the "or" between cocked & locked or DAO.

What would bother me the most about carrying a Hi-Point is the size and weight of the thing. As a trunk / truck / nightstand gun--I think they're a good choice.

This is another place where many people pull out the tired and worn 'saturday night special' argument to denigrate inexpensive handguns that are a good choice for people on a limited budget. Often people are all to willing to disarm the poorest and most disadvantaged in society.

Agreed, NDS. I am often surprised at the number of pro gun people that I speak with who get a little "iffy" on gun ownership by the poor. It seems that, for many, being poor (and heaven forbid one is also black) somehow negates the right for self-protection that the other citizens in this country exercise. Coming from extremely modest circumstances (people don't even believe me when I relate the realities of an impoverished, rural lifestyle), I am here to say that, though poor, we were not criminals, and we did not love our families any less than a middle class does. In fact, the harsh nature of poverty probably made us closer, if anything. If I had money, one of the charities that I would love to set up would be an impoverished youth shooting program, as well as a free gun distribution charity for poor families (with no criminal household members) who agreed to take a class. I believe that would go a long way toward making some of these poor people who are being hoodwinked by "progressive" politicians into thinking, critical citizens of our republic.

Mine was an F.I.E. switch cylinder .22/ .22mag single action revolver, I put one cylinder full through it when I got it, and then not again til I moved back to Texas. I had to put down a dog my wife ran over, and when I went to shoot the trigger broke, That my friends went over like a lead balloon, and it was also the last cheap gun I EVER bought. :fie:

Well, I am sure that it was not funny at the time. I also hate to see animals suffer unnecessarily, even if they are destined for my dinner plate. However, I can imagine the look on your face when it happened (:blink:) and that is funny.
Mine was the first handgun I ever purchased, a Taurus PT145 Pro. Right out of the box, at 25 yards, the fixed sights aimed at a body-sized target made bullets hit dirt below it, about 5 yards in front of the target. Sent it back to Taurus, they sent it back saying they replaced the barrel. The barrel wasn't replaced, they replaced the Heinie sights. The pistol didn't shoot low after that, but it shot wayyy to the left at 15 yards. Combat accurate, but no fun at all to shoot by any means. You had to aim to the right 1 ring and a little high to hit a bullseye. The grouping was fantastic, it just never shot right. I sent it back with the same problem. They sent it back saying they replaced the barrel, sights, and magazine(?). It fired on target after that, but then developed the common "light strike" issue. I sold that POS for $200 and it didn't even have 200 rounds through it.
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Bersa 380...

Bought two of them at the same time. Neither one could be counted on to fire a complete magazine without a FTF. Tried various magazines with no improvement. I know there are many satisfied Bersa owners out there, but I'm not one of them.
Another vote for the S&W Sigma in .40S&W. It is my first gun. I still have it, but I very rarely shoot it. I can't hit the broad side of a barn with it. I do ok with my other guns, so I don't think that it is me. Plus the trigger sucks.
For me, it has to be the S&W Sigma in .40 S&W. The gun functioned perfectly, but the trigger was horrendous. It was in excess of 12 pounds pull weight. Traded it within a couple of weeks towards a Springfield XD40 and I'm much happier.

Same here, tell me about it. That gun gave S&W a bad name. They still make a good revolver but I would never buy another semi-auto pistol from them again. Go with a Glock for a cheap CCW plastic pistol. I traded that 40 cal in for a Stainless Springfield Armory 45. SA 45 is the best most accurate pistol I ever owned.
Add another Llama .45 to the list. I should have known that you couldn't get a decent .45 for $229.95! :no:
The biggest POS I have ever used !!

One of my relatives gave me an Iver Johnson Chrome Plated, Hammer-less 32 Revolver. I still have some fading tattooing from it's first and only firing some 30 years ago. It does make quite the paper weight.:confused:
Bought one Taurus 24/7 PRO .45 ACP

Won't ever touch that brand again. I paid far less for a Rock Island Amory 1911A1 that runs 100% vs the Taurus.


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