To me the Bodyguard 380 had better ergonomics than any other pocket 380 in its class/size.I carry the S&W bodyguard. Trigger pull was long and stiff at first but eased up after shooting a couple boxes. Looks like a wallet in back pocket in a dasanti holster. And has never failed with any junk ammo or hornady critical defense rounds. Very reliable little pistol.
ReadI find it amazing nobody mentioned the glock 42
A Ruger LCP is a good one, i like it because it is very small and easy to conceal, smaller than your hand. The sights could be a lot better though and It is not an everyday shooter, it is quite skinny and will start hurting your hand 30+ shots. If you like Glock a 42 is a good .380. Kel Tek also makes a very good concealable 380, a little bigger than an LCP. Smith and Wesson bodyguard is another good one. Those would be my choices in a 380 if I were to buy another one, I would suggest checking those ones out and go with what would suit you, they are all good guns. Ruger also makes an LC9 which is a little bigger than the 380 and is 9mm.
When I first looked into concealed carry guns I looked at the Ruger LC9, my friend had one and let me shoot it. I unfortunately limp wristed it a couple times when I tried to rapid fire. So, I decided to not go with it on that and also that I had been thinking of carrying in my pocket because the gun is so small... but I hate having stuff in my pockets so much that I decided not to go with a pocket gun. I ended up with a Glock 27 .40 and absolutely love it. I carry IWB and it is very comfortable. I mention this because I really fell in love with Glock and when they came out with the Glock 42 in the .380 I thought "that would be an awesome gun" I have already set it aside as the next gun I will buy. Anyways, some advice I would throw out to you is to narrow down your choices to a few and go out and shoot them. Then you can really see if you will like it, after you shoot it.
I have a Sig Sauer .380 and a Glock 42. I like em both. A friend has a Taurus TCP, I like it. Another friend has the Kahr... way too small for my hands.
The one that shoots the best for me is the Sig. The one I like the best all around (the way it shoots, the way it feels, the ease to conceal, etc.) is the Glock.