Whats the battleplan?

pistol pete

New member
Im curious as to what the battle plan is IF Nobama wins and the liberal left wing takes over America.
Is anyone out there given this any thought?
stock up on ammo and high capacity clips. If inflation really is as bad as they say it is, stop hiding your dollars under your mattress and make an investment in something that goes BANG. I have a feeling the value of weapons will go up dramatically.
stock up on ammo and high capacity clips. If inflation really is as bad as they say it is, stop hiding your dollars under your mattress and make an investment in something that goes BANG. I have a feeling the value of weapons will go up dramatically.

All of my clips hold 8 rounds or less. I think they only make one size for each firearm.

Here's the plan. If Obama wins, I will ramp up my efforts to save for an AR-15. I'll have one of these "assault rifles" as fast as I can, and hopefully before they are banned. I will also stock up on powder and projectiles for reloading. This election has real potential to put Democrats in complete control. There will be nothing we can do to stop them, including filibustering if the take enough of Congress. If it comes to this, I will just be thankful that we got the Heller decision in before it all went to hell. In a few years, when everyone hates the Democrats because they are in control and things still suck, the "change" platform will turn against them. They'll be ousted and we can leverage Heller v. DC to overturn any particularly agregious "common sense" gun laws they imposed.

However, I am still hopeful it won't come to that.
Im glad others are starting to see whats going on. Its very dangerous times.
I began to stock up on supplies. Food, water, guns,ammo. making a list of other stuff needed.
Would love to get a cabin and some land upstate somewhere or maybe even another state.
I thought I was nuts but after talking to a few people, I found that others see the same thing coming.
Im curious as to what the battle plan is IF Nobama wins and the liberal left wing takes over America.
Is anyone out there given this any thought?

Nope. It'll be business as usual. While I have no doubt that things will change at the federal level, I will still have my LTC and all the guns I want, so I don't envision anything changing significantly for me.
All NOBAMA, NANCY, and HARRY have to do is pass a law making possession of ammunition with lead or copper projectiles ILLEAGLE to possess and everyone is screwed. IF They make it a felony, there go your guns.

The 3 of them can cause a lot of damage to hunters and shooters.

This election is the perfect storm for stepping on our rights.
And if this "perfect storm" developes, will the true Americans step up to the plate and will the revolution begin?
Or will we be sheep and just follow along?
If nothing is done, than the jails will be filled with law abiding citizens as the bleeding heart left wing will than release the true criminals.
America as we know it is on the brink.
Originally Posted by tattedupboy:
Nope. It'll be business as usual. While I have no doubt that things will change at the federal level, I will still have my LTC and all the guns I want, so I don't envision anything changing significantly for me.
I hope you are right Tat. But did you see Obama'a agenda on change.gov?

Link Removed

"As president, Barack Obama would repeal the Tiahrt Amendment, which restricts the ability of local law enforcement to access important gun trace information, and give police officers across the nation the tools they need to solve gun crimes and fight the illegal arms trade. Obama and Biden also favor commonsense measures that respect the Second Amendment rights of gun owners, while keeping guns away from children and from criminals who shouldn't have them. They support closing the gun show loophole and making guns in this country childproof. They also support making the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban permanent, as such weapons belong on foreign battlefields and not on our streets."

Also, Obama apparently said the following at a fundraiser last year (haven't tried to confirm this yet, but I wouldn't doubt it in the least):

"My first priority will be to reinstate the assault weapons ban as soon as I take office. Within 90 days, we will go back after kitchen table dealers, and work to end the gun show and internet sales loopholes. In the first year, I intend to work with Congress on a national no carry law, 1 gun a month purchase limits, and bans on all semi-automatic guns."

I don't know about you, but I'm pretty worried.
Everyone needs to start banding together. The time to organize and get moving in a direction is now. If we wait it will be too late.
I honestly didn't think he had a chance of winning. I didn't realize how stupid people in America have become.
Everyone, including Obama, deserves the right to be defended!

Everyone needs to start banding together. The time to organize and get moving in a direction is now. If we wait it will be too late.
I honestly didn't think he had a chance of winning. I didn't realize how stupid people in America have become.

I felt the same, that people were being stupid, when GHWB got in, then got in again! Unbelievable! Then unbelievable again! Our economy is in shambles. Our PR around the world sucks. Our gas prices suck, tho lately I've/we've been more than pleased to see them come down. Clinton didn't do much better with his NAFTA. Reagan didn't do much worse when he proclaimed, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" I'm hoping that Mr. Young President has advisers that are seasoned and reasonable and that Obama can actually reasonably perform his duties. What choice do I have? He surely doesn't deserve to die for his ideas, none of us do! That's what we protect with our amendments. I may disagree with almost everything he stands for, but, like it or not, we must defend his right to them just as we must defend our right to ours!
Ok, so I ask, what does that have to do with the price of chickens?
The American government has just taken a detour to the extreme left. Our rights are in peril. The liberals dont belive in the constitution. They believe in big gov and big brother doing everything for you.
As for NY, we are in big trouble. I will post below a note from an Orange country site:



In NY, things are much worse. The anti-gun forces have been passing new gun bans and requirments in the Assembly for years with only the Republicans in the Senate blocking the bills. With the Senate firmly in anti-gunners hands, we can only imagine how bad it will be. Our only hope is that in the pass some people voted for the bills knowing that they would never pass. Now that the bills are going to pass we can only hope that they tone it down some so they will not risk their relection. However, once the bills are passed, we have no hope of them ever being removed just like our current ASW ban will never be removed. The new AWB version is much worse that the old one and expect any tube fed 22 rifles to $3,000 + handguns used in the Olympics to be banned. And don't expect the Dem appointed Judges to ride to our rescue, for the most part they only get appointed if they are anti-gun. Heller will have no impact in NY, see PL 400 Section 2A&B. That covers NY for anything covered in the poorley worded/weak opinion