Oh, I'll post photo's...don't worry. You get a machine like that in the yard and there is no ending! We are doing some landscaping at the same time which is why I have to wait on my end as far as marking off area's and putting up signs and things like that. Just don't know where the Other stuff is going yet. My other buddy has been dropping off all his wood chips from tree jobs which adds to the pile. Still got one more pine to take down. This one laid out stacked/added to the pile should give me about another 6-8 more feet high. Then, that should be it. The rest will be wood chips, which over time break down and compact. We just keep adding more and more. We are getting the height because the excavator will then level out the shooting area so when you're standing at the 100-120' mark you'll be level with the Center of the hill thus giving at least a good 8 more feet of back drop. Right now from that mark we're just cresting the top of the mound which is not what I want. When I started this, I thought it was going to be...just clear an area and start shooting. NOT! There is more to it, and as you go along you find things have to be done for reasons. Like I said before, in the end when it is all finished it will be a Clean and SAFE area to shoot at. Shit, I thought it was going to be finished this past spring!!?? Oh well, a little at a time.
Yeh I guess you could say, freedom runs in NH. You just don't want to over do it, then people start to complain. LOW profile is the key. Funny, because I did speak with my neighbors/abutters and told them what I was doing out back and they are fine with it. I added that I was only going to shoot like on a saturday or sunday and keep it limited to like an hour. That made them happy. If I was to have people over and start shooting for the entire day and stuff like that, then I can see them getting pissed and having the police over etc. This I do not want. This way I do not piss anyone off and everyone is happy. Yes, and when you're in the area you may shoot some rounds off! Will keep ya posted.