what would you do??


New member
my wife's friend and her hubby were over the other night. we were talking bout the military. i had told him that my dad did 2 tours in nam. 1 he volunteered for. my dad was army. her husband states that he was a marine and that they had to do 3 yrs. over there. that all marines had to. grant it, officers may have had to stay longer but i thought army tour was 12 months and the marines tour was 13 months. it gets better. he said he was there from 1972 to 1975. he is only 2 1/2 years older than myself an i will be 48 this year. do the math. i am not military but have the greatest respect for all who are. my blood started to boil and was fixin to knock him out but was stopped by my wife. we have not heard from them since. been about a month now.my wife still dose not understand why i got sooooooo mad. what would you have done???
First, Semper Fi...
The Corps in the Nam years tours were 13 months. You could extend your tour for 6 and some times more. I knew others who did 13 months, went home for a while then back for a 2nd 13 month tour. But that was MOS dependent.
I landed in Da Nang in Aug '68, came home in Sept '69 them Back to Da Nang until May '70. The Corps started to down size some MOS's in the early '70's and they let me out early with a Honorable Discharge on a 3yr enlistment.

I think Wolf is correct, It's BS Let it go...
yea, i wasn't planning on going any further with this. just wondering what i should have done. i think it is a shame that people think they have to claim they are veterans and fought in this or that war, conflict thats all. i know what sacrifices my father made for our freedom. he served from 1952 to 1968.
Are you certain about his age??

I simply cannot imagine being so stupid as to create a story about something like military service and be so bad at calculating the time period to place it while being so young as to be totally impossible.

Sounds more like the age he has been claiming is a lie and this story caught him in that ... Can his wife count?:cray:
my wife's friend and her hubby were over the other night. we were talking bout the military. i had told him that my dad did 2 tours in nam. 1 he volunteered for. my dad was army. her husband states that he was a marine and that they had to do 3 yrs. over there. that all marines had to. grant it, officers may have had to stay longer but i thought army tour was 12 months and the marines tour was 13 months. it gets better. he said he was there from 1972 to 1975. he is only 2 1/2 years older than myself an i will be 48 this year. do the math. i am not military but have the greatest respect for all who are. my blood started to boil and was fixin to knock him out but was stopped by my wife. we have not heard from them since. been about a month now.my wife still dose not understand why i got sooooooo mad. what would you have done???

First off you are an idiot for getting mad at all, its obviously a fabrication, I would have just laughed at him shook my head an move on.
I worked with a guy years ago that was a patalogical lier. Some of the stories he would tell you would not believe but it was as though he really believed what he was saying. After had moved to a different area I had not seen him for a while I ran into him in the lunch room. He asked me if I was still running. I told him I was. He then said that he had started running. Right away a red flag goes up. This guy could not walk a mile little on run.
Next he said " I ran my first sub 4 min, mile the other day. I don't see what is so hard about that. All you have to do is run 45 second laps." He also had a brother that had a 275 bowling average. These were just some of his wild stories. I could write a book.
My last trip "in country" was in 1972 as a 24 year old ssgt. I am 61 these days. He is a little on the young side to have been there with me. :no:
We were all becoming eligible for the draft when I was in high school, and my best friend was a year ahead of me. He was top of his class honor student computer ace, and there were only green screens then. The recruiters told him he was going when he got out of school anyway, so he might as well sign up, and the Navy promised him they would teach him on state of the art machines, best computer programs in the world. Next thing he knew, he was forced into communications and sitting in a machine gun nest in Ethiopia guarding radio towers. from there he went to Spain and finished his hitch, but not before getting dissentary <sp having some intestines removed, and became an alcoholic. Moved to the woods in the north country and made furniture from trees for a while before losing his wife and kids who gave up on him. Pretty much ruined his life.

Now to sit and listen to him, he was in Vietnam (I know this isn't the case) and the stories become more far fetched every year. But he has gone over them so many times, he has actually lived them in his mind, and I believe he believes he did all these things he talks about. But one thing he NEVER gets wrong no matter how falling down drunk he is, are dates. He tells me about trips we took together and when and where right to the day, and he's always right on.

I'd maybe consider there are possibly underlying issues with the guy, and let it be. But that's just me.
Listen to your wife

Listen to your wife. If you argue with everyone you meet that's full of crap, well, that's about all you'll have time to do. He was trying to IMPRESS you for some reason. If you can't let it go, try to figure out why this person needs others to believe these tall tales about him, especially you. In my experience people do that kind of stuff to try to make you LIKE then (though it usually does just the opposite).
Let it go. Don't make his problem your problem. I don't care if he's a wannabe or not. If he is, the world is loaded with them. More often than not, when one person tries to impress others, there's usually some BS involved. For most of us it's simply...been there, done that, 'nuff said!
Let it go. Don't make his problem your problem. I don't care if he's a wannabe or not. If he is, the world is loaded with them. More often than not, when one person tries to impress others, there's usually some BS involved. For most of us it's simply...been there, done that, 'nuff said!

well said:biggrin:
My regular Schwann's man was sick so a replacement Schwann's man came... he told me all about his "secret missions" he did during Desert Storm and OIF I - III. How he was a bigtime operator and was called back because of his "abilities". He was just asked to do some test firing of Barrett's latest 50. I just let his B.S. roll and let him think I was buying it....

Oh, did I mention he works for Schwann's? Who knew they had a tactical element.
My regular Schwann's man was sick so a replacement Schwann's man came... he told me all about his "secret missions" he did during Desert Storm and OIF I - III. How he was a bigtime operator and was called back because of his "abilities". He was just asked to do some test firing of Barrett's latest 50. I just let his B.S. roll and let him think I was buying it....

Oh, did I mention he works for Schwann's? Who knew they had a tactical element.

I think its hilarious when non-military try to lie to me about what its like being in the military before they realize I AM military :biggrin:

OP, I usually just laugh it off when people try to lie to me about stuff like that. I can always tell the liars from the guys that were actually there; the ones that did it don't usually talk/brag about it.
There is a special place in Hell

There is a special place in Hell for people who try and take the glory for the hard work and achievements of others. Forward Captain Jackass's name any service debunking website and let the fireworks begin.

When the dust settles look at Capt Jackass and in your best I'm sorry that sucked voice...tell him that if he ever lies about his service again that he can and will be brought up on FEDERAL CHARGES! There are laws to prevent people from claiming service that they did not endour and this guy is no exception.

Letting it go only eggs it on. Confronting someone although painful for those around lets the offender know that he has entered the no spn zone and that he is on thin ice.

From here forward I would call capt jackass "specops" or "ghost" or some other special operations video game callsign I could think of.

I have no love in my heart for those that take away from those that are true professionals.

It makes all of us that served look like morons in the eyes of those that have never served.

Call a spade a spade and call a turd a turd

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