what will YOU do?


God Bless Our Troops!!!
Here is the scenario...

6 Years from now the Liberals have totally screwed the pooch and the Russian Mafia is pretty much running Organized crime in the cities. China is still recovering from a Bird flew pandemic and Canada is bankrupt. India and Pakistan are exchanging blows and The Middle East is under The New Persian Empire. Britain is partnering with France and Germany to save what is left of the EU.Mexico is now one of the wealthiest nations on earth and we are on the brink of civil war over food and resources.

Yes...I know I have a pretty good imagination...:eek:
Can you and I, and our associates start our own country in the Florida panhandle?
I will join you not to fa from here..Mountians are best defense for tanks.may not be 6 years:hang3:
Looking into buying land far away from everyone, in the mountains or just real country. Im a new yorker but willing to go where my family can be safe.
I also agree, this will not take 6 years.
If Nobama wins, you can expect things to get ugly real soon. In fact, many cities might experience riots right off the bat.
If McCain pulls it off, the fight is NOT over. The liberal left wing commies will continue to pound away unless Americans wake up and put an end to it.
Terror countries and groups will still try to pull off another attack without doubt.
There was an eight year lag between the Two WTC attacks. We are 7 years from our last attack. You do the math.
Im counting on the true Americans to stand up and be counted on election day.
Or you guys could come to Texas. We have everything a country would need. Warm water port, plenty of area in the valley for growing food, all the oil we would need once we are allowed to get it out of the ground. Only problem is the border. I don't know though, what do you all think. Hunker down where we are or go to the mountains?
Well here is our plan.

We have a friend with 11 acres in the boons. His property is about 16 miles from any main roads. There are 2 cow pastures, that will support another 2 cows. Right now there are 4. Considering chickens and goats as well. Our long term plan is to prepare for supplementing our stored food with fresh meat and vegetables.

We are planning a 64' x 64' garden that should be going in between this year and next.

Both families have been preparing for some time. Our main priority at the moment is food.

We are well stocked with what we need to protect our families. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more......:laugh:

We have made provision for what we will do if we are off the power grid.

We are by no means "survivalist wacko's", but simply see the writing on the wall. We are also seeing the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy everyday, which should wake up some people as well.

I also agree that it won't take six years for your scenario to play out if things start rolling the wrong way this Tuesday.
Here is the scenario...

6 Years from now the Liberals have totally screwed the pooch and the Russian Mafia is pretty much running Organized crime in the cities. China is still recovering from a Bird flew pandemic and Canada is bankrupt. India and Pakistan are exchanging blows and The Middle East is under The New Persian Empire. Britain is partnering with France and Germany to save what is left of the EU.Mexico is now one of the wealthiest nations on earth and we are on the brink of civil war over food and resources.

Yes...I know I have a pretty good imagination...:eek:

All of this would take a heck of a lot longer than six years.

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