What we are facing may be more insidious than most of realize


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Nice bit of research you have put together there HK4U.

You quoted some very important people, places and ideas that were in the formative stages when they were made & you listed them for us to see, but look at the dates. Assume 2 possibilities:
1: All of these folks dropped their ideas, (doubtful) changed direction and R no longer foretelling or building a MUCH greater NWO plan that has moved into the execution phases by now. Quotes from the 90-02's = well formulated & famous players in today's 2008/2009 who have moved on from intention, warnings or promises to now managing those changes, controlling and molding world events, leaders, the worx, as never before in human history at an alarming pace. Georgia beings a Russian grab for control to counter local insurrection or U.S. over-extension that we stand little chance of stalling with anything but peace talks, we still serve a purpose even if it's just to keep a-Q busy from bothering other nations emerging and the media focused on us, With the U.S. left to a rising star Obama is but a player even if he loses, when you look at the larger picture or 1 ruthless NWO government that controls everything in a covert world we never see or better yet, has the power to disrupt/divert or end it, that is control!!!
2. Be carful gathering too much or this puzzle my friend. If you put all the pieces together, you have probably signed your own death warrant regardless of which nation you call home. Keep that to yourself and make 1 copy that is for release if you do not check in with someone/credible in a non-government controlled media outlet on a regular basis, if such an entity exists, your only ace left to play then. If you complete the puzzle and put all the pieces together, then fear you have dug too far and even on a lowly group of CCW patrons (USA Carry) your words go global, they do the moment U hit 'Send' U will find them on Google, and that is not good. Trilllion$ have already been sunk into re-forming, turning or developing the major players, like we (U.S.) are about to lose a critical ally in Pakistan's president, one we can not afford to lose or that strategic edge we got him to provide many nations who are threatened by al-Q, not just the U.S. because of his impending fall from power certain Muslim nations once allied may turn against us and become another enemy we don't need/can't handle except with fissile methods. Others we now call corrupt or enemies (Syria/Iran?) may make overtures of peace at us for their own goals, we are easy to please with our addiction to black gold! Or the Jews/MOSSAD/IDF may just launch on Tehran knowing the balance of power shifted in favor or an Islamic eradication of Israel.
All in a year that decides who will be in the White House by New Year. Countless lives have been lost preserving the balance or executing the plans those leaders only hinted at in your very nice bit of intel gathering and logical presentation. Don't let the cat too far out of the bag online, thinking people have few allies and lots of ruthless cleaners. Some of what you dug up is close to a decade old, can you just imagine what is being planned behind closed doors as you posted that bold thread today?
Read this link if you have time, research who is the real power-players, it may make you view your world in ways you never contemplated, then dig and find a list of those pretty famous folks who run Bilderberg or past patronage to that very executive club that answers to no man or god, but forms humanity assuming we must lose 70% of it in order for their NWO plans to work.
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I am out of this thread for like ever, but with Google cache's posts active/archived but accessible for 10 long years, some day someone will read it who is not a member or patron of USA Carry and if it's a CIA or a radical Muslim group who calls in my marker, I may suddenly go absent from USA Carry because I posted something too close to home.
Masonic illuminate

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Thanks Canis-Lupus. I do shudder to think what may lie ahead. My only consolation is I know He who ultimately has it all under controle.
Thanks Canis-Lupus. I do shudder to think what may lie ahead. My only consolation is I know He who ultimately has it all under controle.

God is who has it under control. Also, as I've said in other posts, there are too many firearms in the hands of private citizens here in the U.S. (many of which would come into play if a new world order did attempt to take us over), for any outside authority to even consider it. As long as my fellow Americans have guns and are willing to use them, this is something I will not be at all concerned about.
I am still concerned however God is the He I was referring to. As someone once said I have read the back of the book and we win. I do believe there will be some real tribulation before that time though.
I am still concerned however God is the He I was referring to. As someone once said I have read the back of the book and we win. I do believe there will be some real tribulation before that time though.

I don't. We've worked too damn hard and sacrificed too damn much to get to where we are to just sit back and have it all taken away from us by a body that our Constitution does not even obligate us to recognize.
I won't point out scripture or throw out numbers of gun owners but, I'm not convinced that there are many gun owners with the real balls to do anything about this.

It's hard to get many of us to vote in a sensible way much less leave their families behind when it comes time to take the Capital back. I feel that Americans have become soft, lazy and FAR too trustful of the goverment we know screws us.

This stuff keeps me awake at night.
I won't point out scripture or throw out numbers of gun owners but, I'm not convinced that there are many gun owners with the real balls to do anything about this.

It's hard to get many of us to vote in a sensible way much less leave their families behind when it comes time to take the Capital back. I feel that Americans have become soft, lazy and FAR too trustful of the goverment we know screws us.

This stuff keeps me awake at night.

+1 to that Memphis.
What will you do when the man is at the door. Worst yet will you denie Him when your child is about to be beheaded.The worst is yet to come.
What will you do when the man is at the door. Worst yet will you denie Him when your child is about to be beheaded.The worst is yet to come.

None of you think that if this hypothetical new world order were to actually come to fruition (a big if, because if would have to get the consent of over 200 nations) that our fellow gun owners would show that they are indeed a force to be reckon with? In case you all have forgotten, the Second Amendment is the one that protects all the other amendments; furthermore, it has protected us (for the most part) from government tyranny for well over 200 years, and I have no reason to believe that it won't continue to do so from global tyranny. I'm not saying we need to be complacent, but what I am saying is that the chances of this actually coming to fruition are one in 100 billion. Those aren't exactly the kinds of odds I would bet the farm on.
For the record I believe what we are seeing and talking about here is very likely the beginning, the vehicle that will propel the anti christ into power. In other words Biblical prophecy coming to pass before our eyes. I realize not everyone on this site believes in God so what the scriptures have to say will have no meaning for you. For those that do though you cant miss if you do a little studying what those that expose a one world government seem to be very close to what is prophesied in the Bible. I feel that the 2ND amendment has done much to help slow their movement, no doubt about it. However I also think that what has really kept the inevitable in check up tell now is the restraining power of God. We have been blessed like no other nation however there can be no doubt that we are not the moral light in a dark world that we once were and if God decides to remove the protection he has afforded us thru out history there is no 2ND amendment that can save us.
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For the record I believe what we are seeing and talking about here is very likely the beginning, the vehicle that will propel the anti christ into power. In other words Biblical prophecy coming to pass before our eyes. I realize not everyone on this site believes in God so what the scriptures have to say will have no meaning for you. For those that do though you cant miss if you do a little studying what those that expose a one world government seem to be very close to what is prophesied in the Bible. I feel that the 2ND amendment has done much to help slow their movement, no doubt about it. However I also think that what has really kept the inevitable in check up tell now is the restraining power of God. We have been blessed like no other nation however there can be no doubt that we are not the moral light in a dark world that we once were and if God decides to remove the protection he has afforded us thru out history there is no 2ND amendment that can save us.

And, God willing, the 2nd Amendment will be what stops this movement dead.