What Was Your First Pistol & Do You Still Have It?

Do you still have your first pistol?

  • Yes and will never get rid of it.

    Votes: 27 54.0%
  • Yes but would replace it if I got a chance.

    Votes: 4 8.0%
  • No but I wish I still had it.

    Votes: 17 34.0%
  • No and good riddance.

    Votes: 2 4.0%

  • Total voters
Colt Trooper MK III

It stays in a box in my gun safe and will be given to my son (On the way) along with a Henry lever gun in .357 mag as a set:bier:
Mine was a High Standard .22 revolver, sentiniel model. I bought it for $45.00 in 1971. I sold it years ago but wish I still had it for sentimental reasons.
mine was a s&w military police 357 revolver. i sold it many years ago but would still like to have it. my carry is a S.A. 1911A1 .45 and i absolutly love it and will never willingly depart with it. it's my carry 24-7.
Oh please I have ammo (made a great deal on some .22 wildcats) that is older than that laying around, Now the 30-40 Kraig that is getting up there. Age is just a matter of perspective.:y:

Not that the gun was made in the eighties but the gun itself was old when I got it in the eighties, I believe it was actually manufactures in the fifties.
My First Pistol

This is easy, I got it at age 16, my dad passed it down, it was my Grand Dad's S&W 32 police special, that he carried as deputy sheriff in Chester SC.. Its still in the S&W box it came in with the papers where he payed for it,, He payed a wopping $17.50 for it.........I will pass it along to my son someday...........
My first pistol was a Ruger Blackhawk 44. One friend bought a 22, the next bought a 38, the next bought a 357 and so on and so forth..lol, what can I say,we were young and dumb. The 44 went with the ex-wife in the late 80s.
I hope they are very happy together.:chees:

My first pistol was a Ruger Blackhawk 44. One friend bought a 22, the next bought a 38, the next bought a 357 and so on and so forth..lol, what can I say,we were young and dumb. The 44 went with the ex-wife in the late 80s.
I hope they are very happy together.:chees:

I am sorry for the loss of the 44
1966 Smith & Wesson 38special, would have carried it in public if I had my CCP, but I did carry it when I went ATVing or camping in the deep deep country where no one would be around except me.

Sold it to my cousin because he beg me for it and he still got it. I told him if he ever thought about getting rid of it let me get it back.
Browning "Challenger" 22LR pistol purchased when first produced in 1962 that I used that year to qualify for the state pistol team. I switched to a S&W M42 for competition to match the grip angle of my centerfire pistols. I kept the Browning for a "kit" gun carried in a holster and, later, gave it to my oldest son who still has it.
First pistol was a Rossi 711 (stainless, .357, 4" full lug barrel). It has only recently been replaced at my side by a Ruger P89. The Rossi is starting to show its age. Lockup isn't as tight as it once was, a little more end-shake, and the adjustable rear sight just kind of flops around. I'll probably fix it up one of these days, but for now its earned a rest.
A Colt Frontier Scout 22 with the extre 22 mg cly. Still have both. Was giving to me by my Granddad about 1960.
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45+ or so years ago ...

my first handgun was a .22 revolver, 'Saturday Night Special' (I have no idea what the make or model was) purchased at a hardware store for around 25.00

After a couple of years it literally fell apart.

My first 'real' pistol was a 1911 .45
The first handgun I ever bought, is my 2nd gen Glock Model 22 that I bought used in the late-90s. (see my avatar for a pic of it)
I still have it, but I'm thinking of finally parting with it.
Since, I decided to get rid of all my .40S&W handguns and its the last of my .40S&W handguns.
I might send it into Glock to have it refinished and reframed before selling it. But, I don't really know.
Guess I'm dragging my feet since it's the first handgun I ever bought.
High Standard Model GB, Wish I still had it!!!

My first was a High Standard Model GB. It had a 4.5" and a 6.0" barrel. I paid $42.50 for it (used) in 1962 in Rochester, Minnesota. and the dealer threw in two boxes of shells! I traded it for a .30 M1 Carbine in 1974. I still have the carbine. My 10 year old grandson got his first deer with the carbine last fall, four point buck at about 60 yards! I have regretted the trade ever since. Wish I had just coughed up the cash for the carbine.
My first

My first pistol is a ruger security six .357 revolver bought it back in 1984 and still shoots like new.
First Gun

My first pistol was a Taurus Buffalo Scout with a 5 3/4" barrel in .22 calibre. This was one sweet pistol for a wheel gun! Bought it used at K-Mart while with my dad in the early 1980's for $75. I lost it to a pawn shop when I was down on luck. The pawn shop closed. Two years ago I found one online & paid way too much for it! The piece was so disgusting when I got it I spent most of two days stripping all the lead from the barrel, tightening every single screw and doing a very thorough cleaning! It now shoots fine and gives me some comfort to know I have something akin to what I lost. I currently have it with a friend who is making new Cocobola hand grips for it. I still wish I never got rid of the original! Everyone I allow to use this one loves it. It is great for new shooters tolearn with & I hasve tsaught several friends and nieces & nephews how to shoot with it.
Love the nostalgia of this thread! Thanks!
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