what to upgrade too?


New member
i am currently carring a glock 17 as my daily carry but i want to upgrade to a .45 the three choices i am looking at are a HK usp compact,Glock 21,or a taurus pt1911. All are great firearms i just dont know which one to pick
i have held all 3 and they all feel good if i were to go with price i would go with the 1911 but i am also looking at how reliable each is
Have you considered the Glock 36?
That's my CCW, it is .45 acp, and is the slimest .45 on the market. It is easily concealable, but only holds 6 in the mag. I am planning on getting an extended mag for my back up.
I know you guy's like those glocks,

but if you want something more accurate and less recoil I would recommend the 1911. I Own the Taurus 1911 and it has become one of my favorite carry guns. I also shoot my best groups with it at 1.5" at 15yrds and I know it's more accurate than I can shoot. Mike,
I am not a Glock fan ,but apparently you are. So here is what I recommend. Get all three lined up, close your eyes and point. I am sure you result will please you. :D . Since you have handled all of them, see if you can find somewhere to shoot them. If you are like me any new gun will put a smile on your face.
I can't speak to the 45 factor as everything I have in an auto is a 9mm. I will say however that I have both an HK and Glock and have never had any problems with either. I guess you would say I would stake my life on them as they are what I carry on a daily basis. Especially concerning the HK lets just say it is hard to beat any firearm made by the Germans. That is one thing they do very well.
I have shot all 3 guns. I carry a full size Kimber for my carry gun but sometimes carry my H&K USP compact I have never had a problem with it. I also allowed a friend to shoot and take it through the paces when he was looking for something new and he choose the USP. But find what you like and go with it.
how about considering a sig p220 compact, you can pick up a certified preowned one often for the same price as the new glocks or the taurus. extrmely reliable, recoil is managable and accuracy is superb.
Just another thought. Although I do not need another handgun I might add the new Sig 250 to my collection. This gun you can change out slide lengths, and ammo 9mm, Sig357 40 and 45. One gun does it all. You can check it out on Sig's Web site. come to think of it I may need another handgun after all.
Especially concerning the HK lets just say it is hard to beat any firearm made by the Germans. That is one thing they do very well.

Sig is made in Germany as well. Like HK, the Sig has a pretty high price tag. I guess it's like their cars (Mercades and BMW). They're great guns, just a little on the pricey side.


Sig is made in Germany as well. Like HK, the Sig has a pretty high price tag. I guess it's like their cars (Mercades and BMW). They're great guns, just a little on the pricey side.


They are not the cheapest guns that is for sure. The thing that looks good about the Sig 250 is that for perhaps somewhere around 1100 Dollars you could have three gun sizes, full, compact, and sub compact and 4 different calibers.
Just another thought. Although I do not need another handgun I might add the new Sig 250 to my collection. This gun you can change out slide lengths, and ammo 9mm, Sig357 40 and 45. One gun does it all. You can check it out on Sig's Web site. come to think of it I may need another handgun after all.

Gee thanks. Now I want one. You just had to bring this up and I just had to do research on it. Now I just have to have one. My wife's going to be mad.

Gee thanks. Now I want one. You just had to bring this up and I just had to do research on it. Now I just have to have one. My wife's going to be mad.

Sorry DrDavid, Don't tell her I told you. I don't want her mad at me. But she should know the difference between men and boys is the price of their toys. Anyway do like I do and tell here guns are an appreciating item. That might help.
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Gee thanks. Now I want one. You just had to bring this up and I just had to do research on it. Now I just have to have one. My wife's going to be mad.

I shot a p250 before they were being produced for the general public. That gun is sweet, weighs about the same as a glock or hk, double action only with a smooth trigger, and accurate enough i wanted to take it squirrel hunting. Like all other sigs it just fits your hand and pionts naturally
I like the Glock 21SF. The smaller frame makes it easy to conceal as well as operate.

No disrespect, but if you can hide something better where the grip, from front to back, is maybe 1/8th" shorter then you're really on the edge of concealing anything !

I agree that the 21 SF feels better and points better, tho.


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