What to Expect if Martial Law Comes to Town.

You are really delusional... and if you found yourself in such a position and tried to play Rambo, they you would be really dead....

Ain't saying that it's right, but it is reality.

I would have to observe that the opposite of delusional is "wimp".

Preferable to a dead idiot.

The dedicated patriot and the wimp might both end up dead.

But the patriot is going to take out bad guys with him.

You obviously did not pass the key test question "Is life so dear or peace so sweet ... " by Patrick Henry, Governor of Virginia.
The dedicated patriot and the wimp might both end up dead.

But the patriot is going to take out bad guys with him.

You obviously did not pass the key test question "Is life so dear or peace so sweet ... " by Patrick Henry, Governor of Virginia.

From your basement bunker I assume, in your Rambo underwear and fingers permanently stained orange from eating Cheetos's
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Snowflake commando.... fricking coward hiding behind his ignore list..... that ladies and gentlemen clearly defines this basement commando is incapable of dealing with adversity.
Those who wont stand up for their rights AND ridicule those who will are NOT worth arguing with, they like their chains and the taste of chit off their masters boots...
If they have martial law it's not a case of being a scaredy-cat but your life will not be yours, and if you prepared with weapons, food, etc. they have a right and most likely will take it all and put your you and your family in a concentration camps. If that doesn't scare you, you've got no sense.

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I would guess it all depends on what city you live in too. Heck our county only has 40,000 people. Three roads in and out. The CLEO, Sheriff, would be on "Our" side and ask for our help to stop the Feds.
(Sent from a long long long Land Line under the house)
What I think most people here are missing is the fact that you not only need to know who you can trust before SHTF, but have a plan worked out.

Where are you going to go? How many will be in your group? Do you have supplies for everyone? Do you have enough people to keep watch? Are you prepped for long term survival? Do you have a second retreat plan?

Know who you can trust your life to in this type of situation. Most small groups won't be sustainable for long periods of time. But you need to carefully vet who you are going to trust before adding them.

Saw this video yesterday. Thought this was a good place to share it.

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What I think most people here are missing is the fact that you not only need to know who you can trust before SHTF, but have a plan worked out.

Where are you going to go? How many will be in your group? Do you have supplies for everyone? Do you have enough people to keep watch? Are you prepped for long term survival? Do you have a second retreat plan?

Know who you can trust your life to in this type of situation. Most small groups won't be sustainable for long periods of time. But you need to carefully vet who you are going to trust before adding them.

Shelter In Place is by far the best option for a variety of reasons, including home-field advantage, both you and your neighbors share defense of self, family, and property as a common cause, if things are bad enough for a governor to issue martial law then that's where you'll be expected to be, etc. The additional vantage points afforded by two and three-floor apartment buildings ain't bad, either. If we're under martial law and looting, vandalism, or arson have been rampage, it's a sure bet that anyone out on the street will likely be shot on sight, if not by the cops, then definitely by my neighbors.

As for a primary and secondary bug-out plan, well, let's just call that the Darwin hurdle. Hopefully, I'll see you on the other side, but I'm sure as heck am not going to disclose my plans, or everyone might wind up doing the same thing!
What to Expect if Martial Law Comes to Town.
We’ve seen a resurgence in civil unrest over the past couple of years, and there have been many instances when government has decided to institute martial law to restore order. However, many people don’t realize the real impact that martial law has on our civil liberties and basic rights as American citizens.
It is a widely-held belief that the government is just waiting for an opportunity to invoke martial law as a way to make freedom and liberty a thing of the past. Keep in mind that in the post-9/11 world, we’ve already seen signs of martial law and the erosion of our rights. Whether or not things will continue to devolve on a national level is up for debate. However, incidents involving martial law in communities across the country have given us a glimpse of what we can expect if it comes to our backyard.
During martial law, civil police and the overall legal system is suspended. Our basic rights such as freedom of assembly, speech, to keep and bear arms, a speedy trial and not to be detained without just cause simply vanish into thin air. We are completely under the rule of the President or generals, and this should make all of us nervous.
We can be imprisoned for saying the wrong thing. We can get taken away and shipped off to a detention facility for no reason whatsoever. We can be tried in a kangaroo court, sentenced and even executed if we do anything that upsets the apple cart. Some of the horror stories that we hear about in countries that have tyrannical governments can end up coming to our communities, and there’s nothing we can do to stop it from happening if that time comes.
We Have to Follow Orders
Curfews will be established, communications, particularly Internet, may be disabled. We may be rationed food, water and basic supplies. We may be told where to go, what to bring and when we can leave. All of us can lose our basic freedoms of movement, interaction and choice at the stroke of a pen. Basically we will become subjects of the state, told to toe the line and follow orders. We will not have choices, and those who defy these directives can expect hell to rain down on them by whoever is in charge at the time.
We May Become Criminals
Imagine our property being searched and seized for contraband that can be as simple as a food or water stockpile. Our communications may be monitored, and who we associate with may be used against us. In the blink of an eye, regular, law abiding citizens can become criminals. Imagine being imprisoned for having a Bible, some food, a previously-legal weapon or some “banned” supplies in the wake of a SHTF scenario or period of severe civil unrest. It’s possible, and probable, that we will face this type of situation sooner or later, and many of us will become the enemy of the state without doing anything wrong.
These are just a few examples of what can happen to us, and the public at large, if the government decides to impose martial law. While most instances of martial law to date have been in the wake of big disasters or civil unrest, it’s not beyond the realm of possibility to see the imposition of more long-lasting restrictions for less serious reasons in the future.
The best thing to do is to get ahead of the problem by fleeing areas that are devolving into chaos. Go to quiet and secure locations in order to improve the chances of being able to hunker down and fly under the radar. Keep movement and travel to a minimum. Don’t say anything to anyone unless you know and trust them, and never reveal the extent of your current or future preparedness strategies to anyone, even now.
Most importantly, take time to learn more about martial law and how it impacts you and your family. This will help you to make prudent, wise and proactive decisions in order to have as much freedom as possible during those dark days. Now is the time to prepare, because once it happens, all of our options will be severely limited.
Read More:
What to Expect if Martial Law Comes to Town | 101 Ways to Survive
My Thoughts:
Although I don’t expect to see this in my life time, there is always the possibility of it happening, be it from a WMD being achieved against our country or a massive insurrection by a group against our country.

"3 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
3 A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
6 A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
7 A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
8 A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace
." Ecclesiastes 3 : 18

Thank you for a thought provoking thread. IMO we should start out with the right mindset. It is our duty to prepare for the future and approach it with the right plan of action. I've been involved in what started as the survivalist movement (for lack of a more descriptive adjective) since the late 1970s as a very young kid. Survivalists morphed into civilian militias and then to preppers... don't know what everybody calls themselves these days. We know from both history and watching the current situation that a major event WILL happen. I've been fortunate to be able to be prepared, but to have lived without the real implementation of martial law. We did see the government preparing for such an event in the late 1990s with roving roadblocks, the military preparing for martial law with mock house to house search and seizure / weapons exercises AND we had some of those roadblocks where I live and the government even used local events (once a stabbing at a school) to shut down the streets and the power grid for a few hours.

WHEN the liberals come back to power, I fear that the way the courts framed the firearms issue, we will either have to forfeit our weapons OR be committed to genuinely fight. Personally, my belief is that we exhaust all of our nonviolent legal and political avenues of redress before any consideration is given to extraordinary actions. Furthermore, IF we have to resort to an extraordinary action, you ALWAYS leave the door open to a peaceful resolution without acquiescing to tyranny. To that end, there is a thread already here that contemplates that discussion:


Never in my life has America been more divided than they are right now. I see the coming confiscation of firearms, the immigration debacle, or maybe some related culture war developing before we have to worry about WMDs. It is wise to plan for the scenarios. It is prudent to know what your options are. It is imperative that, at some level, we begin defining what our culture is because the socialists are defining it for us. Where do we stand on the issues and do our preparations match the potential threat?

We have, through ignorance, limited our own options. If the tanks rolled through your neighborhood tonight; if tomorrow the president declared martial law and confiscated weapons - under the pretext of keeping Americans from declaring war against undocumented foreigners, for example.. or some Bernie Sanders kind of president in the future wanting to confiscate those evil "assault weapons" (sarcasm intended), what is your plan of action? You don't have to answer that on the board - there are things like Comsec and Opsec to consider (I can explain if you don't know the terminology.) The point is, the question is not IF; the question is WHEN. You are on borrowed time and between this thread and the one I posted above, I'm really hoping to strike a chord and get a real discussion going. Again, I thank the OP for posting what he / she did and hope you will participate in this discussion.

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