Hey My Fellow Verbal Scholars: Just tryin to raise the level of verbal intercourse among our readers; besides, it gave me a chance to use a bunch of words that I have never used before and, in reciting them, it gave me a chance to clear my sinuses. Even when I wrote the word "sprightly" it made me want to put a tutu on and see if I can CC. Just kidding. Now we can get back to serious stuff that does not include confuscation.
I must say, Kelcarry, that confuscation leaves me bewildered and unsure what to do. :biggrin:
Oh and by the by, if ya'll took a class at Front Sight, you'd know what "thorasic cavity" meant; it's standard issue terminology out there. So, you learn defensive tactics and increase your vocabulary at the same time. What a deal!
Sounds like a medical term.