What is your favorite long gun and why


God Bless Our Troops!!!
Mine are as follows
SAVAGE 10 FP=Tackdriver:icon_love: .378 center to center at 100 yards with the right ammo
MOSSBERG 500 Riot Gun=big fun and sore shoulder:huh:
HK G3A3=expensive day at the range but the grin is worth it.:chees:
My favorite long gun is whichever one is newest. I've only kept a few guns for years, most get sold soon after I get bored with them so I can buy something else. That means the current favorite is the L1A1 that I got about 2 months ago--it's my current project gun. I might even keep it for a while.:7:
I currently have 2 favorites:

My Savage 10FLP .308, which shoots sub 1/2 MOA groups with Black Hills 168gr Matchking Ammo or handloads


my Rock River Arms AR15 Entry Tactical, which shoots sub 1 MOA groups with every ammo I've tried in it.

I'm currently looking at purchasing a Sig 556.
Right now I'd have to go with my 16" AR15. Mainly cause I built it myself. Nothing like shooting nice groups with a gun build by your own hands.

I would have to say that it is my Remington 700 in 300 WBY. This rifle was made in 1972, and I don't know if Remington has ever offered the 700 in 300 WBY since. Loaded with 82.5 GR of H-4831, 165 GR Nosler partition,CCI 250 primer in a Remington peters case. Off the bags this rifle will shoot a three shot group with all the rounds touching at 100 yards. I have used this rifle on moose and bear in Alaska, Elk in New Mexico and Colorado, hogs in south Texas.
Weatherby in 270 is best long gun, Nikon scope shots better than me. Aslo I have a neat 357 rossi lever gun for hogs here in florida.
My 10/22 followed by my M1 Carbine.

Both are fun to shoot. The 10/22 is fairly accurate out to about 75 yards(2” group at 75 yards). The M1 Carbine is about a 2” group at 25 yards so not so accurate, but a blast to shoot. They are both practical and affordable to shoot.
:ticking: I currently suffer from BRD (Black Rifle Disease). I own a .223 and my blog shows how the .40 build is coming along. I've gone through an AK and a FAL, but I wanna build an AR in every caliber. My stimulus check went to five new AR lowers! :y: WHOOHOO:icon_great: Talk about stimulation.
Of all the long guns I own my favorite two would be my Beretta 1200 18 in 12 guage riot gun and a mini 14 that I ordered at Sears years ago when you could still do that. I have an AR-15 but the mini is so simple and problem free that I would feel comfortable with it when and if something happens.
:ticking: I currently suffer from BRD (Black Rifle Disease). I own a .223 and my blog shows how the .40 build is coming along. I've gone through an AK and a FAL, but I wanna build an AR in every caliber. My stimulus check went to five new AR lowers! :y: WHOOHOO:icon_great: Talk about stimulation.

LOL I'm just waiting for my stimulus also. Then I can start my 6.5 grendel AR build :biggrin:
love my AK-47 with 3 40rnd mags. talk about fun!!! also always have a lot of fun with my ruger 10/22 stainless with 22inch barrel. cheap to shoot and accurate.
Heavy barrel Model 700 BDL in 7mm-08, the most accurate firearm I've ever shot. I bought the bare rifle in a pawn shop on a whim for $300, the owner had picked it up at a gun show. A previous owner evidently had sprung for a trigger job, and had bedded the action and barrel. I wasn't a fan of barrel bedding, but it definitely worked, at least in this case. Leupold Vari-X II 3X9X50.

Probably even more favorite is my 1895 Marlin, it has accounted for many deer in thick woods and adverse conditions and has always done the job. The 45/70 puts them on the ground. This rifle is surprisingly accurate for what it is, and even has a decent trigger.
There is only 2 out of all my rifles I really enjoy firing. First is my Remington 700 BDL I got in 1971. I even have the Redfield 4 power scope still on her. Next is my first rifle I bought in 1964 for $25.00 at the local hardware store a p17 Enfield. It is still I the military and have used it in CMP matches. This old rifle has even won a few against Springfield 1903.
Mine are as follows
SAVAGE 10 FP=Tackdriver:icon_love: .378 center to center at 100 yards with the right ammo
MOSSBERG 500 Riot Gun=big fun and sore shoulder:huh:
HK G3A3=expensive day at the range but the grin is worth it.:chees:

My Marlin .30-30. The gun I've always wanted, now I got one. I RULE

For some reason, I always thought a lever-action was a sexy gun. It's perfect for what I need & ammo is pretty affordable.

For a scattergun, my Remington 870 is the greatest shotgun ever made. Still knocking doves out of the air just like when I bought it used 12 years ago.
My favorite shotgun is the Mossberg Persuader 500. My favorite rifle (which I have never owned but have shot) is without a doubt the Ar-15.
Mine is my Win M70, pre-64 in .270.......have taken so much game with it I have lost count. Always functions perfectly, action is good today as it was 40 years ago, and it has character....was my dad's...I have had it since '68.

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