What is your favorite J-Frame?

Wife and her 442

When my wife got her self-defence weapon, the 442 was the way to go from the start. She absolutely loves it and is a fantastic shot with it. Pity the fool who tries to mess with her! She loves to go to the range and is the envy of all the guys who wish they could be that accurate with a snubbie. Lovce that revolver.
I Have Had a 649 Stainless Body Guard for somewhere around 20 + Years(?) I've Carried it Almost Daily , Certainly Weekly...in Four Countries.
Mostly in an Ankle Holster or ISWB Tucked at 1 0'Clock Position or Cargo Pants Pocket.
The Gun has Been Back to Smith & Wesson twice to be reconditioned after too many +P Rounds. The first time was at the 250 Round mark it was just a little sloppy... They tightened it Up, NO CHARGE!! The Second, was another 300+ Rounds and the Cylinder was very Loose...Because of +P "FBI LOAD" .... There is No telling How many WadCutters, Or Target Ammo is Thru The Gun....
I would VERY Much Like to get a 638 Air-Weight as it would be Lighter in my Pocket...(Duh) But I Always Seem to Find something else to spend $500.00 on....

Stay Safe.. Captain
Any of the Airweights or Airlite Ti's with a shrounded or internal hammer. I also have a little "woods gun" that is a Model 360 Airlite Titanium in .357 mag with a 3" Barrel and Hi-Viz Sights. They no longer make it, but it's super lite for a hiker or just walking the woods in short and t-shirt weather.
I have a S&W model 60 stainless chief that I bought in 1979. I don't carry it much now but it has seen lots of service through the years. Great gun and never one problem.
Like many of the rest of you for concealed carry I would rather have the revolver hammerless. It works so much better in a pocket without the hammer and for close range defence I find very little use for single action.
i have a sw 637 thier nothing like being able to shoot single action. just put your thumb on the hammer when you draw your gun, and it will never snag. I had a thaurus 651, and my brother had a body gaurd. I alway missed the hammer.

You betcha, there's nothing like being able to shoot single action. And like they say" it's not what you got, it's how you use it". Some just don't know how to use it proficiently. :biggrin:
My Mom is a J-Frame fanatic and has been since the 50's. She loves the feel of them and has several, strategically placed throughout the house. She has an older S&W 3" barrel Model 37 Airweight that she routinely carries as her CCW gun and an older Model 60 stainless that she had me slick up and re-work for her truck gun. She shoots them well, and routinely practices. Mom was a competitive shooter along with my Dad, years ago. She was a hardened redneck Mississippi girl, raised on a farm in the sticks. Still drives a Dodge 3500 diesel dually pick-up. Won't drive anything else. Yep, she just made 70 years old, but she's in good shape and as tough as nails. Don't let the gray hair fool ya. Mom ain't no easy win!
You can buy a Taurus for alot less money and it will do anything a SW will do. Ive carried and TRUS 357 650 for years in every clime. Michigan. Working construction and ranches. It shows holster wear but goes boom! When I want it to. I also own a $1000.00 sig 40 SW for the "re-load" if needed. Custom shop. Carry two guns. Cops do or should. But a revolver is always a good carry in its snub configuration if you select a man stopping caliber. It should be your first choice carry gun always, why? because it will always be with you even in sloppy pj's. Think about that.
I carry the S&W 642 series as well...38 Spl +P.

I have one of the titanium models that weighs 13 oz unloaded. "Hammerless" design completely eliminates any snagging when pulling it from my pocket or any holster combination.