What is "acceptable training"?


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New to the site here, but I had a question and thought this might be the best place for it.

I grew up in New England and have been shooting since I was 8 (over 20 years). When I came of age to hunt with my family, I went through the hunter's safety course in Rhode Island, and passed. Years later, when I lived in Massachusetts, I got my class A CCW license, and did not need to undergo any sort of training because I had my hunter safety thing.

Now I live inFlorida, and since I lived for a while on University property and could not possess firearms, I had left all my guns in the care of family back up north. However, I'm moving to a real town soon, and would like to bring my guns down.

My question is: do I have to undergo a class here in Florida to get my concealed permit here in Florida, or will the training I received in RI OR the fact that I had a CCW from Taxachusetts serve as proof of training?

I know there is no reciprocity on the Mass. CCW, but I'm thinking maybe it would just show that I know which end goes bang and whatnot.

Oh, and as far as home storage, do I need a safe or are locked cases/trigger locks ok?

Specific information can be found here:

Concealed Weapons or Firearm Program - Division of Licensing, FDACS

Generally, they are only looking for proof of any training with firearms; they are not looking for a state specific course or a qualification course. They just want to know that you know how to safely handle a firearm. Your hunter safety course will meet that requirement, however, if you are going to carry, I suggest you take some defensive training (just my suggestion).

You will need a copy of your hunter safety course certificate (they need one on file--they won't return whatever you send them) included with your application.
Good to have you hear.You can call the divison of lic. and get it straight from the horse mouth.
New to the site here, but I had a question and thought this might be the best place for it.

I grew up in New England and have been shooting since I was 8 (over 20 years). When I came of age to hunt with my family, I went through the hunter's safety course in Rhode Island, and passed. Years later, when I lived in Massachusetts, I got my class A CCW license, and did not need to undergo any sort of training because I had my hunter safety thing.

Now I live inFlorida, and since I lived for a while on University property and could not possess firearms, I had left all my guns in the care of family back up north. However, I'm moving to a real town soon, and would like to bring my guns down.

My question is: do I have to undergo a class here in Florida to get my concealed permit here in Florida, or will the training I received in RI OR the fact that I had a CCW from Taxachusetts serve as proof of training?

I know there is no reciprocity on the Mass. CCW, but I'm thinking maybe it would just show that I know which end goes bang and whatnot.

Oh, and as far as home storage, do I need a safe or are locked cases/trigger locks ok?


No, a copy of your Hunter Safety Certificate will work if you still have it.

I would still consider taking a CCW class because it's important to know about the firearms laws there, justifiable homicide and use of deadly force and where you can carry a weapon. You realize that the Florida permit is a Concealed Weapons Permit, which includes more weapons than just handguns.
Fortunately for you, Florida gives CCW applicants a great deal of leeway in proving that they have received firearms training, and what you've listed almost certainly would qualify you for a permit in FL. Just be prepared for a looooooong wait.
Fortunately for you, Florida gives CCW applicants a great deal of leeway in proving that they have received firearms training, and what you've listed almost certainly would qualify you for a permit in FL. Just be prepared for a looooooong wait.

My wait wasn't all that long. Only 6 weeks. They say that it could take up to 90 days, but I don't think that most people wait that long.

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