What I carry


Former Military Police
Kimber Gold Combat 2 45 cal, Beretta 90-two 40 cal, CZ Bobtail Commander 45 cal, Sig Sauer 220 elite 45 cal, Smith & Wesson P40 40 cal.
Beretta 90-Two 40Cal?

Not doubting your Beretta ownership, but the 92 is a 9mm or miliatry 'M9'
or civilian 92-FS. The 40-Cal's start with the 96-FS (no military designator I am aware of, although some made it into the T.O. & E. for officers colonel O-6 and above plus a few Command Sergeants Major E-9 around 1992) called the 'Centrurion'; 40.Cal. I've owned one for 10 years.
Tad more knock-down power same build. Both are good guns.

Not doubting your Beretta ownership, but the 92 is a 9mm or miliatry 'M9'
or civilian 92-FS. The 40-Cal's start with the 96-FS (no military designator I am aware of, although some made it into the T.O. & E. for officers colonel O-6 and above plus a few Command Sergeants Major E-9 around 1992) called the 'Centrurion'; 40.Cal. I've owned one for 10 years.
Tad more knock-down power same build. Both are good guns.



It is a confusing designation, but the Beretta 90-Two is not the 92.

It is in fact made in both 9mm and .40

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I stand corrected, and still a tad confused, will go recce beretta.com for a confirmed crow feather hack & spit :-)


Frigging Italian guns, hack...cough....GOB!
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I stand corrected, and still a tad confused, will go recce beretta.com for a confirmed crow feather hack & spit :-)


Frigging Italian guns, hack...cough....GOB!
Yep.but you gotta love them! I own four 92 F's complete and have four frames waiting to be built...Nice collection, Mike!
Here's my current inventory of CCW-worthy hardware. I have left out the "field revolvers" which usually have longer barrels (5" is the cut-off point IMO) than are really handy for concealed carry, or are single actions. They are in no particular order, and NO! I do not carry them all at the same time.

Kimber Pro-Carry CDP .45ACP; Ruger Speed-Six 2-3/4" .357; Kahr CW9 9mmPara; Walther PPK/s .380ACP; S&W M342 Ti-Lite .38 Special +P; Colt Gold Cup (de-horned) .45ACP; Star PD .45ACP; CZ75B 9mmPara; S&W M686 (USCustoms Service) 3" .357; S&W M686 2-1/2" .357; S&W M64HB 4" 38 Special; S&W M67 Combat Masterpiece 4" .38 Special; S&W M629 Mountain Gun 4" .44 Magnum.

I like a little variety in my life.
In general I carry a Kel-Tec P-3AT .380 because it is what pocket carries well in shorts. When I have the opportunity to wear big boy clothing I also have a Kahr PM-9, and a Beretta Vertec 9mm with CT grips.

I plan to soon add a S&W snubby .38 with CT grips, a Wather PPK/s .380 (just because I've always wanted one), and some .45 mainly because I don't have one but haven't picked which one yet.

I also have a harness to allow me to string my Kel-Tec PLR-16 with a 20 round magazine under a vest but truthfully have never carried it, even though it would be legal on my Florida permit provided it is concealed.

Most of the time my bear just holds it for me as in my avatar.
Well for everyday it is my Kimber CDP Ultra II, now if I am on my bike I carry my S&W M&P 40C ( just would hate to skin up the Kimber if I dump ), and if I am dressed in shorts or light clothing it is my Kel-Tec P-3AT.
S&W Airweight 38+P, Republic Arms "Patriot" .45, Bersa Thunder .380, or Glock 22.

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