Convinced 4 shooters, 2 new and 2 experienced, to join the NRA. There has been some bickering among some shooters about NRA did this or that, and most of it is RUMOR. They want this group or the 2A Foundation or whoever over the NRA. Look folks, supporting the other guys is fine. I send them money too. But the NRA has the largest lobby and power machine behind it, standing up for us. The bickering will do nothing more than divide us, PERIOD. This is what the anti-gun morons want. TO DIVIDE AND CONQUER!!! If we all don't come together as a group, we will all lose what we have. The NRA has about 4 million members, yet there are many more millions of gun owners in the USA. Encourage others to join the NRA, get a great magazine and get involved in letter and email writing and phone calls to our elected officials. I have a Representative in my area, who voted against something, because only one person sent him a letter and he wasn't sure what else to do. So he voted the way his constituent asked. If the NRA does something you disagree with, write Wayne Lapierre a letter. They will explain it to you without going to the rumor mill. The griping and complaining has got to stop and we have to ban together, NOW!!!