What Happens To You When You Buy A Gun?

A good article dispelling the myth that people look for altercations after buying a gun. It seems the gun is not an evil spirit after all.

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scary stuff as always that they are proposing. looks like i may be on the list seeing as hanging here is probably the same as associating with known terrorists.....at least i am in good company :)
Thanx for the post. The gun owners I know are more responsible than the non gun :to_pick_ones_nose: owners I know. I realize this is anecdotal but still my experience.
Nicely worded article. I would add, based on my experience as an individual who never even saw a real handgun until about 2 years ago (and I'm 67), that once I and my walking buddies were convinced of everything said in the article, we began a unique experience for all of us---gun shops, gun shows, pawn shops etc. What we all found was that once we had purchased a gun intially for self-protection and after practicing with the gun, we found the sport of target shooting to be something that was fun and enjoyable. I also found that my first gun of choice had some limitations as far as overall personal defense, as a target gun, and finally, as a CCW. My one gun, a 38, is now 4 more guns including a 12g 18inch pump, two 22lr target pistols, and finally a kel-tec P3AT for carry (not all the time but on occassion). Bottom line, like most "things" that become hobbies or sports, it becomes easy to want another and another.I am sure that many of my fellow forum members would probably agree.
Loved it! Especially the following excerpts...

There is a growing conviction that while our police system in this country is among the best in the world, it can't help you at the moment a crime is being committed: police are our avengers, not our protectors. The window to make that choice is closing, and since November 4th, many Americans have chosen to buy a firearm and ammunition and chose self reliance.

Many gun owners are more aware of the US Constitution than most non-gun owning folks—gun owners are more sensitive to liberty, where it comes from and how and when it is threatened. And, there is a growing impatience with a federal government that has overstepped its enumerated Constitutional powers.

Buying a gun is an outward sign of an awakening mind. God Bless America.

Good stuff! :)
Simply put the police are NOT protectors, they are investigators of crime after the fact. If you should be so lucky they may be in the right place at the right time but it is incredibly dangerous for anyone to assume that will be the case.
Good way to look at it. Good read for those who do and those who don’t own / carry firearms. I have been very conscious of the change in the way that I feel with regards to the government. They are there for a reason and are needed, but not for handouts to the auto makers who have gotten themselves into the situation they are in. I don’t believe that they should be the financial life raft for business. The banks that are now more cautious with lending money are hurt because the government told them they can't refuse loans to those who may not qualify for them. Anyway my rant…. Law enforcement and those who have chosen to dedicate their life to it are to be commended for that choice. When the $#!% hits the fan we call them and they rush into danger... They can’t however be in all places at all times... This is the problem and has always been the problem. Now more than ever with federal and state budget cuts the police force most people depend on will shrink. In the harsh economic times ahead some people are going to choose crime as a means of survival. I live about an hour west of Boston and the police are pleading with people not to leave items in vehicles that will “cause people to break into their vehicles”… Gotta love that…
If I were to be violently assaulted and not armed, I would have to hope that I would survive the attack, hope that I could identify the offender, and then pray that when an officer was to arrest the suspect he/she remains calm, diligent, and crosses the T’s and dots I’s. If the suspect is then found guilty of the assault they will be remanded to the custody of the state. I don’t believe that they will be rehabilitated. The term closer to the truth is re-educated. I’ll explain. Once incarcerated the scared and often vulnerable offender will seek out those that will offer them protection. They will most likely find members of their own race. They will find members of a gang that will offer them refuge and safety for a price, servitude… They will be re-educated in the ways of crime. They will be made smarter criminals and better connected criminals. If and when they are released their servitude will continue out on the streets. And all of this re-education is at a cost to me the assaulted taxpayer. Now back to the beginning… If I was to be violently assaulted and I was armed I would have to make a decision to stop the assault. That does not mean that I would kill the assaulter, I would use deadly force if necessary to stop the assault. If their death is the result of my decision to defend myself, then that’s the result of a poor decision made by the assailant to assault me. I’m being responsible for my rights to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. Those who choose to take the protection of their lives as a responsibility should be commended as well..
Thoughts and opinions welcome…
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Simply put the police are NOT protectors, they are investigators of crime after the fact. If you should be so lucky they may be in the right place at the right time but it is incredibly dangerous for anyone to assume that will be the case.

Agreed, always wondered why police cars have "to serve and protect" when they have no obligation, much less history of protecting.

Realize it's dated, but am sending to my friends. Better late than never, or is that a police thing?

Actually do like police officers per se, just hate the liberals view that they are all the protection we need.
Loved it! Especially the following excerpts...

There is a growing conviction that while our police system in this country is among the best in the world, it can't help you at the moment a crime is being committed: police are our avengers, not our protectors. The window to make that choice is closing, and since November 4th, many Americans have chosen to buy a firearm and ammunition and chose self reliance.

Many gun owners are more aware of the US Constitution than most non-gun owning folks—gun owners are more sensitive to liberty, where it comes from and how and when it is threatened. And, there is a growing impatience with a federal government that has overstepped its enumerated Constitutional powers.

Buying a gun is an outward sign of an awakening mind. God Bless America.

Good stuff! :)

I find the above highlighted statements rather fascinating, considering the current adminstrations latest actions to "take care" of us via the "health bill" and "bail outs" etc.
It all comes down to freedom. Some will choose to exercise their freedom and be responsible for it and some will choose to ignore the freedom they have, but then complain when it's taken away.. It's not for everyone to own a firearm this I believe, but it is for all to protect the rights we have been endowed with by the thoughts and actions of those who lived and died for the creation of this nation. Depending on others for protection has never been an option for me.
Unfortunately many people have come to look at the government as a means of survival. :fie:
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