What happened to people with manners?


New member
Here latley I have had quite a few run-ins with people who were raised in barns. My parents never let me interupt people talking, not hold a door for a lady, get away with saying yes and no Maam/Sir.......WTF is wrong with people.


Remember your Couth people......someone is always watching!
I know I was in a meeting the other day and a person there was saying the schools need to do this and the schools need to do that, NO! the schools need to teach the kids and the parents need to raise the kids. AND that is all I have to say about that. :Poep:
I know I was in a meeting the other day and a person there was saying the schools need to do this and the schools need to do that, NO! the schools need to teach the kids and the parents need to raise the kids. AND that is all I have to say about that. :Poep:

Very well said, the schools job is to teach kids, math, science, reading, arts, etc... not morals, manners, discipline, honor, etc.. thats the respondsibility of the parents!
Here latley I have had quite a few run-ins with people who were raised in barns. My parents never let me interupt people talking, not hold a door for a lady, get away with saying yes and no Maam/Sir.......WTF is wrong with people.


Remember your Couth people......someone is always watching!
Every time they interrupt, just say "Watch out, it's an interrupting donkey!" You can explain that there's an interrupting ass that keeps butting in, and for their safety, you're letting them know to stay out of the way.

IMO however there are exceptions to the etiquette against interruptions. People who over-explain their motives, or are long talkers (rambling on pointlessly) are themselves being impolite, and probably need to be interrupted or else nothing will get done.

"I'm sorry I didn't call you back! I was going to call you on the way to the store, but then..." (cue up the 15-minute story)
I'm sorry to interupt

Here latley I have had quite a few run-ins with people who were raised in barns. My parents never let me interupt people talking, not hold a door for a lady, get away with saying yes and no Maam/Sir.......WTF is wrong with people.


Remember your Couth people......someone is always watching!

Were you guys saying something????

Parents are to blame!

Me personally? I was raised by wolves.:icon_eek:
......wife and I going into a store....... another lady approached from the other direction...... I opened the door for the other lady, and she looks up at me and says, "what, do you think my arms are broke ?" My wife dropped her purse, and started forwards, and told the lady that "no, but I can fix that...." but I grabbed her shirt before anyone got thumped. Us old folks, especially me, don't deal with that crap very well........
My wife dropped her purse, and started forwards, and told the lady that "no, but I can fix that...."
Jay, I don't know your wife at all, but I know I've liked her for years! My Lovely Bride is much the same...

For me, I find (here in Иєш Лєяжşєşŧăŋ) such behavior translates itself into the way people drive. Stop signs are optional at best, "you-next-after-me", and aggressive, truly menacing attitudes behind the wheel. Some few years ago I had a woman hit me in the ass - while I was on my bike! - because I wasn't making a legal left in front of oncoming traffic fast enough to suit her!
Unfortunately, the PC police have taken over. It began when people decided they were offended by religious displays in public. Next thing we know, children will begin sassing their parents; wait that is already going on! Oh the humanity!
Ektarr, I visited bolivia with my wife to visit my in-laws, and the traffic! Here in the states we may euphemistically say that traffic is insane, or traffic laws are optional, but in bolivia it is LITERALLY TRUE. I was frightened for my life several times in one day, just driving down the highway to Santa Cruz. On a two-lane highway, packed with huge trucks, everybody passes everybody. It's common to see people passing ON BOTH SIDES OF THE ROAD simultaneously, hurtling towards each other at 80+ miles an hour. After 2 hours of this you're ready for a change of underwear.

Remarkably, I didn't see one traffic accident on the road... (?) My theory is that Bolivia works as an evolutional hothouse, where drivers with slow reflexes are killed off before they can procreate, resulting in a race of superhuman hand-eye-reflex ultradrivers.

Jay, I don't know your wife at all, but I know I've liked her for years! My Lovely Bride is much the same...

For me, I find (here in Иєш Лєяжşєşŧăŋ) such behavior translates itself into the way people drive. Stop signs are optional at best, "you-next-after-me", and aggressive, truly menacing attitudes behind the wheel. Some few years ago I had a woman hit me in the ass - while I was on my bike! - because I wasn't making a legal left in front of oncoming traffic fast enough to suit her!
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Wow... I was going to start a post about this and saw it here. I'm in college right now, the more I look around the more disfaithful it seems people have become. My generation and the generations above and below all seem to have lost honor, respect, loyalty, and duty. I'm certainly not perfect, but I try to say sir and mamm, please and thank you. I still think being a gentlemen is important and I believe respect in honor are more important than anything else in this life. I'm amazed at how many people out there expect you are going to stop for them and do something for them, without even a "thank you". People talk and text in movie theatres. Everyone seems out for themselves and no one else. Its truly sad how many people out there act worse than the pigs, goats, and horses on the near by farms. Humanity is important and so is polite society. ARG. I don't think such ideals will die, and I certainly hope to spread those onto my future children some day, along with shooting skills. But, it does worry me sometimes how people go through life seeking only for themselves, and they don't stop to care about others or society. Oh Well. All I can do is spread the faith by doing the faith.
......wife and I going into a store....... another lady approached from the other direction...... I opened the door for the other lady, and she looks up at me and says, "what, do you think my arms are broke ?" My wife dropped her purse, and started forwards, and told the lady that "no, but I can fix that...." but I grabbed her shirt before anyone got thumped. Us old folks, especially me, don't deal with that crap very well........

how pathetic.. a lady like that deserves to look at a brownie and gain 20 pounds. or maybe the reason she is acting this way is because she already did...

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