What does your permit cover?


New member
Well i was watching a youtube video about Concealed carry. long story short people got to talking about state laws and that in some states your permit only covers one gun and not a BUG. Is this true? How would you know if your state lets you carry a bug with your permit? I do not recall reading any thing about it in my state laws? Any feedback? Not that i carry a bug but it's still good info to know.
Well i was watching a youtube video about Concealed carry. long story short people got to talking about state laws and that in some states your permit only covers one gun and not a BUG. Is this true? How would you know if your state lets you carry a bug with your permit? I do not recall reading any thing about it in my state laws? Any feedback? Not that i carry a bug but it's still good info to know.

Only state I can think of off hand is NM. Check out the state info sites here on USACarry.com, there's a lot of info there. I usually check if my permits will be good in the states I'm traveling to a couple of days prior to traveling. If in doubt, I'll usually play it "safe", and either carry only my primary or not carry if the validity of my permits may be in question.

Yeah i know lol there is nothing on there about BUG's or carrying more then one gun with your permit lol.
For the uninformed whats a bug?:help:

BUG is an acronym meaning back up gun. Usually something smaller than your primary weapon, and usually carried in a pocket or ankle.

For the record, here in Indiana, I can carry as many handguns as I want, however I want, with my permit.
In Washington State, the "State of Washington License to carry Concealed pistol" states on the back,
"The person described hereon is licensed to carry concealed pistols as described by law until the expiration date shown above".

If you will notice the word "PISTOLS" which is plural,is used,on the back of license.
Which means back up guns are legal.

Si vis pacem,Parabellum
It's the same here in SC. You can carry as many as you want as long as it's under 12" in length.
In Washington State, the "State of Washington License to carry Concealed pistol" states on the back,
"The person described hereon is licensed to carry concealed pistols as described by law until the expiration date shown above".

If you will notice the word "PISTOLS" which is plural,is used,on the back of license.
Which means back up guns are legal.

Si vis pacem,Parabellum

That may be so in your state and I'm happy for you. But looks like NM can only carry "ONE". Some states do not give permits that look like DL's ( that's driver license's) that are hard plastic and have information about what you can and can not do on the permit it's self. For NH residents we get a piece of paper that state's " Issue date, Ex date, eye color, hair color, full name, weight,height,issued by, My John Hancock,police chefs John Hancock. Oh and my address and that's all i get for four years. No hard plastic no photo on it. Can call the police station but you know they are going to make shit up as they do not want you to have more then one gun on you. They hate the fact that you have one. So that's why i ask. IT"S NOT THE SAME IN EVERY STATE!!!!!

Nice quote "if you want peace prepare for war"
Michigan's Concealed Pistol License states...

"This License allow the Licensee to Carry A Pistol...."
I have the Trusty Michigan Firearm Laws and every thing there is pointing to A Pistol..

Yet another state that will only let you "CARRY ONE" That's the reason why i started this topic as some people think they can carry more then one. When in fact they can't.
In New Mexico you can only legally carry one handgun at a time.


Actually, not quite correct. In New Mexico, you can only carry one CONCEALED gun at a time. There is nothing illegal about carrying one or two openly and a concealed BUG, as long as it's the only one that is concealed.
Yea, I meant in Washington state,you could carry more then one gun,if you go by,what is said
in the back of the CCW.
You posted an interesting question. Researching Georgia's laws shows "concealed weapons" and lists several such as knives, bludgeons and firearms. It goes on to talk about carrying a concealed firearm which sounds singular. It's something I'm going to have to research deeper.
I have no clue about this in PRMA. Seeing as how they won't even allow me to carry one (yes they don't use the constitution in my state) I highly doubt we can carry a BUG
For NH residents we get a piece of paper that state's " Issue date, Ex date, eye color, hair color, full name, weight,height,issued by, My John Hancock,police chefs John Hancock. Oh and my address and that's all i get for four years. No hard plastic no photo on it.

The NH Non-resident permit is made of hard plastic, but also does not have a photo.
AL's reads as such;



"License to carry a pistol concealed on the person or in a vehicle is hereby granted".

Issue Date: Expires:

County Sheriff signature:

The back of the license states the following;

DOB: Race/Sex:
Ht: Wt: Hair: Eyes:

1. This pistol permit does not permit you to carry a gun openly.
2. Your permit is vallid for the State of Alabama only.
3. Your pistol permit is void if you are arrested, on any charge.
4. Your pistol permit does not allow you to carry a pistol in any place that serves alchohol or while you are drinking or using any illegal drug.
5. You pistol permit is also void in any air terminal or in any Court House or other public building whether City, County, State or Federal.
6. If you carry a pistol under any of the following conditions where it is void, you will be subject to ARREST for carrying a concealed weapon.

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