What Do You Look For In A Gun?

Just like shoes........ if they don't fit/feel "right" they won't be worn enough to break them in and see if they're gonna be acceptable or not.

If a given firearm doesn't "feel right" in your hands, you won't shoot it enough to become proficient with it. If you're not proficient with it, you may as well carry a ball bat.

Err...lemme see?

What do I look for in ANY gun, I would have to say that the VERY 1st thing I look for in any gun I have never handled dating from a flint-lock musket to a fancy new Glock is BULLETS, it makes for a much safer and enjoyable experience to handle something that isn't going to go k-bang when I get all dumb-S and sqeeze-off a round inside a FFL shop. Ooops, sorry!
Running with that idea for 30+ years now and it's the only thing that is as natural to me as locking my car door when I have driven thru parts of CA.
"Nice ride dude, essay homes how long you gonna be in that store?"

a nice set of clips and a hair trigger......just makes life easier...lol :crazy_pilot:
What do I look for in ANY gun, I would have to say that the VERY 1st thing I look for in any gun I have never handled dating from a flint-lock musket to a fancy new Glock is BULLETS, it makes for a much safer and enjoyable experience to handle something that isn't going to go k-bang when I get all dumb-S and sqeeze-off a round inside a FFL shop. Ooops, sorry!

:yes4: If more people remembered that, we'd all be better off.
My carry gun has to go bang each and every time I want it too. It does not have to look good, and it does not even have to be comfortable in my hand. But it must be able to defend myself or a loved one.
gdcleanfun LORDY Lassie, I bet you say that to all the guys!
It is not the caliber that counts, it's the penetration (of the round) :laugh:
'Something that goes, "Ka-boom" and makes me little ole heart go a-flutterin' :girl_wink:
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gdcleanfun lordy lassie, i bet you say that to all the guys!
It is not the caliber that counts, it's the penetration (of the round) :laugh:
'something that goes, "ka-boom" and makes me little ole heart go a-flutterin' :girl_wink:
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We spent 5 hours on the range yesterday, boom, boom, boom, I can still smell the gunpowder!
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