What do you hunt?


New member
I actually have yet to get my first big game animal. I've been deer hunting with no luck so far. really want to get into it more and go more often this season. I would really love to go elk hunting and bear hunting. hopefully I can find a good hunting buddy as I am still somewhat a beginner. what do you hunt? and whether it's big game or small game, post pics if you can!
I've hunted moose, elk, white tail deer, proghorn antelope, black bear, and aligator. Here in Hawaii I hunt various game birds, Axis deer, Mouflon Sheep and feral pig.

I've hunted moose, elk, white tail deer, proghorn antelope, black bear, and aligator. Here in Hawaii I hunt various game birds, Axis deer, Mouflon Sheep and feral pig.


I've actually eaten aligator in a chinese restaurant in new orleans. it actually tasted quite good. also sounds like it would be a lot of fun to hunt them!
I actually have yet to get my first big game animal. I've been deer hunting with no luck so far. really want to get into it more and go more often this season. I would really love to go elk hunting and bear hunting. hopefully I can find a good hunting buddy as I am still somewhat a beginner. what do you hunt? and whether it's big game or small game, post pics if you can!

I posted my picture of my first deer, shot last November. For about 10 years, I've occasionally gone into the woods with a rifle. Only about the past 4 years have I gone "hardcore". My wife's family has a bunch of land in west TN where I've been allowed to hunt. Prior to that, I never had a dedicated place to go. Other than deer, I love dove hunting. Now that I have my own .22, I'll probably do a lot of squirrel hunting this fall/winter.
I've actually eaten aligator in a chinese restaurant in new orleans. it actually tasted quite good. also sounds like it would be a lot of fun to hunt them!

It was kind of scary. before you can "dispatch" the gator, you need to have a noose around it's neck and under control. Getting the noose around the neck wasn't too challenging, it was the "under control" part that proved difficult. We noosed the beast, then it went into a "death spin". This spin almolst knocked my buddy into the swamp where there were MANY other hungry gators waiting. Took 2 of us to get the animal "under control". Once we got the gator to the side of our boat, a quick shot to the head with a .357 mag, and the "hunt" was over.

I like "gator fries". The meat is very versitile. We made a lot of wonderful dishes with our gator.

We dont get many gators up in my part of the world. Although I have been down in the southern area, and tried it there. Tried alot of "strange" things while I was down there actually.
But, I too am fairly new to hunting, this will be my third season out. There are plenty of white tail deer up here, and I have harvested a few, and turned them into sausage... I have also hunted goose, and duck. Along with the birds they have up here, phesant, dove, etc. I've taken a few shots at coyotes, but never got one, those things are quick, and apparently dont like getting shot.
I have seen a moose up here wandering around, but to get a tag is like hitting the lottery. They have mule deer and antelope a bit farther south than where I am.
What's in season?

I'll hunt any varmint as long as the shot is challenging.

I'll hunt game as long as I can eat it.

There ain't no trophies at the Casa Del Festus. I don't want dinner staring back at me.:big_boss:
Hunt deer with bolt action handguns. Can't wait for deer season over to chase coyotes. Really do not hunt them serious until deer season done. Use AR15 and handguns for coyotes. Hunt vermin/varmints all summer with 22-250, AR15s, .308. All are relative to range encountered or planned.
Whitetail deer, squirrel, and rabbit. Interested in hunting elk, caribou, pronghorns, bear and big cats, but haven't had the opportunity.
The only thing I am remotely interested in game harvesting is feral boar. They're mean, ugly and will put up a fight and charge plus I have a liking for ham and pork products. They're pests in the Ozarks along the AZ/MO stateline and can legally be hunted all year long in MO. You do need a hunting license to be legal during dear season in MO.

My firearm choices for boar game harvesting would be; S&W .44 magnum as my handgun back up to either a a Remington 7600 chambered in .30-06 or .308 Winchester or possibly a Marlin 1894 lever action in .44 special/magnum as the ammo would be interchangeable with the revolver or possibly an AR-15 chambered in the most effective round it can handle for boar.
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I'm getting excited! Deer season almost over. Be able to start hunting Coyotes full time. In my area can not carry a rifle in field during any open deer season. Mid Oct - Mid Dec.

Coyotes are very challenging. The small picture was a 270 yd shot with the AR she was out on ice quartering away. 1st shot was a little hi (I think) and just in front of her, she was moving so I lead her about 6-8 inches. She stopped and turned head 2nd shot in her left ear. Never twitched. (not tell anybody I at work when shot was presented hence no camo). I have a good job!

Most Coyote shots are 100 yds or less and running AR15 is gun of choice here for me, others like shotgun with buckshot, but we use dogs to run them Use GPS tracking on dogs so we can stay in front of them. I also carry 22-250 in P/U for long range standing shots. These are very rare occurrences.
Well I've been a hunter for two days and have shot 2 deer and a turkey. I think I'd shoot anything I'd plan on eating as long as it was legal and in season of course. I think I've got a bit of buck fever because I've been looking at rifles, bows, hunting gear, etc all morning. I just ordered a 5 round bushmaster mag for my AR and some Federal 65 grain 223 rounds so I can take that out with me next time.
Deer season over in NYS! AR in pickup this am snow slop and rain also. Brothers dogs ready to go. We do not eat em but Coyotes are one of the tuffest quarries to get. They are not moving today. So i not take time off today. But tomorrow look good.
AS my screen name implies, I live to hunt Elk. I spend at least a week every year out in the woods in pursuit of them, as a matter of fact I am taking my son out again this weekend to try to fill his cow tag. I attached a pic of my son's first bull from 2 years ago. I took a smaller 5x5 two days later. His made mine look pretty small though so it is much more fun to show his off. LOL