what do y'all think of the makarov?


New member
i have 2 of these and i love them. no jams, reliable and gets the job done. i figure if it was good enough for our friends at THE K.G.B. it is probably ok for me and it is. many of the russian troopers still carry them, even though there is a new model out. what do you guys and gals think?
I don't have a Mak, gut wouldn't hesitate to buy one. I do have a PA-63, and I like it a lot. It's mostly relegated to "truck gun" status, but it hasn't missed a beat. No failures in 1500+ rounds, and eats anything I feed it. From what I've heard, Maks are supposed to be even better.
My every day carry piece is a 1978 bulgarian military issue Makarov. Absolutely reliable, built like a tank, enough power to do the job and only cost me $210 out the door. And it looks really really cool. :cool:
Don't have one yet.
Looked at a couple.
If you keep up all the great words, probably have to try one.
i bought mine....

i bought mine through a friend who had a dealer's license. any reputable dealer or gun store should be able to get it for you. i have a east german makarov that once belonged to a stasi agent repotedly. my russian one ordered from the factory. they say even the chinese ones are ok. don't know about now, but you used to be able to obtain a chinese one for 99 bucks. i believe i paid 190 bucks for the east german one and 150 for thr russkie one. the thing about com-bloc weapons is that they are effective, hard core and stupid-proof. you can abuse them and they will still perform well.
I have never handled one, but I hear nothing but good about them. I do have a cz82 that shoots the 9mm Makarov round. I am very found of it. It came from Aim surplus. I have a C&R license and it was sent right to my door.
I have never handled one, but I hear nothing but good about them. I do have a cz82 that shoots the 9mm Makarov round. I am very found of it. It came from Aim surplus. I have a C&R license and it was sent right to my door.
I love my Mak, 1985 Bulgarian. As described...stupid proof...it just works, comfortable and pretty good looking.

If you have a C&R, Empire Arms usually has some but at somewhat high prices...but they are high quaility stuff from Empire. The supply is drying up and prices are starting to reflect it.

Check out Slim Tims Makarov Trader on Gunboards, there is always something for sale.
After I heard about their rugged reliability, a la AK47, I decided to get two, one for a backup. My local pawnshop had three for $125 ea., sequentially numbered Bulgarians with accessories. Looked unissued. I bought them all.

Then I went to Makarov.com and learned a lot, ordered some spare parts and goodies. I struggled with the DA 13+ lb first pull, so I developed a trigger lightening trick. After polishing trigger/sea/hammer surfaces, I thinned the width of the leaf spring for the DA pull to get the weight down to about 8 lbs. Makes for a much easier to shoot gun that is still just as safe and reliable. Floating firing pin, blowback action and heel mounted mag release were other minor drawbacks for me. You need a mag loading tool if you are going to go through more than a few mags as the side mounted mag loading button working against the stiff mag spring will blister/cut you pretty quickly. Some of the ammo is corrosive.

These guns are relatively large and heavy for concealed carry compared to the power of the cartridge and ammo capacity (single stack). Ammo choices and availability are also relatively slim. Mine have been relegated to "pass along" guns if the situation ever arises.

I prefer DAO over DA/SA for my personal defense, and .40 S&W. One trigger pull, all the time. Less to think about, deal with and adjust to, and therefore more accurate, for me. I also don't like safeties and extra levers that require thinking and manipulation for SD. KISS. My Kahr P40 has about the same size, weight, and ammo capacity as the Makarov, but a whole lot more put down power.

After I heard about their rugged reliability, a la AK47, I decided to get two, one for a backup. My local pawnshop had three for $125 ea., sequentially numbered Bulgarians with accessories. Looked unissued. I bought them all.

Then I went to Makarov.com and learned a lot, ordered some spare parts and goodies. I struggled with the DA 13+ lb first pull, so I developed a trigger lightening trick. After polishing trigger/sea/hammer surfaces, I thinned the width of the leaf spring for the DA pull to get the weight down to about 8 lbs. Makes for a much easier to shoot gun that is still just as safe and reliable. Floating firing pin, blowback action and heel mounted mag release were other minor drawbacks for me. You need a mag loading tool if you are going to go through more than a few mags as the side mounted mag loading button working against the stiff mag spring will blister/cut you pretty quickly. Some of the ammo is corrosive.

These guns are relatively large and heavy for concealed carry compared to the power of the cartridge and ammo capacity (single stack). Ammo choices and availability are also relatively slim. Mine have been relegated to "pass along" guns if the situation ever arises.

I prefer DAO over DA/SA for my personal defense, and .40 S&W. One trigger pull, all the time. Less to think about, deal with and adjust to, and therefore more accurate, for me. I also don't like safeties and extra levers that require thinking and manipulation for SD. KISS. My Kahr P40 has about the same size, weight, and ammo capacity as the Makarov, but a whole lot more put down power.


I too feel that they are a little on the heavy side and a tad bit big for for everyday carry. On the other hand they are very dependable and would make a great gun to carry in the car or for a house gun. Also if you are on a budget the price is right.
I've got my eye out for a Polish Mak... to match my Polish Mosin and Polish AK-74.

I want a Polish T-33 Tokarev, too.

Bring on the polok jokes... I dare you.

i do not use corrosive ammo in my weapons. nothing in the world wrong with it and better than throwing rocks, just my personal preference. as far as stoping power, it has dispensed many people through out the years. not me personally, the weapon in general!!!! and now there are JHP made for it. bullet placement IMO, is the main thing. my thinking on this changed several months ago. read a article in SWAT magazine entitled " combat accuracy". my perception was changed.
I've got my eye out for a Polish Mak... to match my Polish Mosin and Polish AK-74.

I want a Polish T-33 Tokarev, too.

Bring on the polok jokes... I dare you.

You're going to be disappointed, because the Polish never made a makarov. You probably mean the Radom P-64, which also uses the 9x18 round, and is closer related to the Walther PP. Small gun, big recoil, heavy and gritty trigger. Many swear by it though, and I myself have been known to slip one in the pocket when it's hot outside.
I have never handled one, but I hear nothing but good about them. I do have a cz82 that shoots the 9mm Makarov round. I am very found of it. It came from Aim surplus. I have a C&R license and it was sent right to my door.

I like the CZ82 also, the only thing about it for me is that the tang has a sharp edge that skins the back of my thumb. Have you noticed that, or is it just me?
I've never noticed that Ishi. I really haven't shot it a lot though. In handling it right now, I think I can see what you mean. I grip really tight when I shoot. I don't know if that has anything to do with it, or if I just haven't shot it enough at one time.
You're going to be disappointed, because the Polish never made a makarov. You probably mean the Radom P-64, which also uses the 9x18 round, and is closer related to the Walther PP. Small gun, big recoil, heavy and gritty trigger. Many swear by it though, and I myself have been known to slip one in the pocket when it's hot outside.

Yes, the P64 is not a true Makarov, as I understand... The only one I've messed with had what felt like a 20lb DA trigger pull, but the SA pull was actually very nice.

I still want one.

thanks for the input, troopers!! i can tell you that cheaper than dirt{www.cheaperthandirt.com} carries the makarov ammo in various configurations and manufacturers. the ammo is getting easier to find. when i first bought them, i bought ammo by the case because it was virtually unavailable. now, just about any gun store has it...... except for wal-mart

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