what do I do?

I am walking my friendly small dog. It is early evening. I am armed with a 5 shot revolver in a holster concealed under my jacket.
A questionable looking character is walking DIRECTLY toward me. He is making eye contact. He is physically larger, and many years younger. Prison tats cover his arms. He is wearing a long white t-shirt or a hooded garment.
You KNOW one, or all of the following is going to happen. You are about to be:
1. Asked for directions.
2. Pan handled.
3. Mugged.

What do I do?

The only thing I can think of is get in the middle of the street. I am not going to put my hand on my firearm, tipping him off to it's presence.

What do I do? Run? Change dogs? To late for that.
Display my Concealed Carry Badge, and yell "halt, or I will fire?"
What will i do?

I would definitely MOVE. Something real obvious, like cross the street immediately. You gotta trust your "internal warning alarm". If he follows, then your alert level goes way up and you have other decisions to make. If he doesn't, problem solved.
Cross the street. If he follows use cell phone. Let him know you are carrying.
When all over lose the badge.
Cross the street. If he follows use cell phone. Let him know you are carrying.
When all over lose the badge.

The badge is an attempt at humor. Wouldn't own one. It is a sure way to end up in the local jail.
Ok, I move across the street, he keeps on coming. I can't show my firearm to everyone who I don't like their appearance.
If I show my firearm, I will be brandishing. Remember the potential perp is walking toward me and wants to engage me in some manner. Perhaps he wants to know where the local library is?
like you said maybe he wants to know where the library is.......you can stop and talk just keep yourself at a distance that you feel comfortable with........remember you can't judge a book by its cover...........
Move and speak.. If he's making eye contact. ask if you can help him, at the least he will slow to formulate a reply. Base your actions on a verbal and physical reply, as opposed to just his movements
I posted this on the other thread How far away is does a person have to be to be a threat?

Ask JJFlash, I love a good what if. This one is...

In low light condition.
Keep a hand on it. Ready to draw it and keep it close, with left hand holding a flashlight turn it on and light the character up. I know of no law that states you can't illuminate a stranger approaching you. It will indicate to them that you are aware of their presence. It will also serve to create blindness and may panic them. If they intend you harm they will be on edge and possibly nervous already. It will allow you to better ID them. Shooting a pan-handler or a lost pedestrian will get you in trouble. Need not say more...

In daylight condition.
Keep eyes focused on them and keep hand on the grip of your weapon. Keep them at a distance if possible do not back into a wall or other tight space. If possible move out of their path. If they redirect and attempt to cross paths or remain focused on you then I would have to say it's more than directions or loose pocket change they may be after. Move away with a purpose and keep checking their location. If they pursue its game on start dialing 911 now. If possible get to a place where other people are. Witnesses. If you are alone and no others are around and you are still being pursued, time to make a stand and let them know you are not the easy mark. Dial 911 quickly and report it if they flee. Dial 911 and report it if you have to shoot..

I recommend a good compact tactical flashlight along with a good knife as part of the survival kit...

Just my opinion... with some input from LEO friends I have had over the years.
Good "What if?"...
Keep them at what distance, though? Inside of 20 feet or so, they can get to you before you draw. How do you stop someone from approaching closer than 20 feet? Gotta be as awkward as just say, crossing the street immediately. If your warning alarms are already going off, why let him get closer? Realize he might only be looking for the library, but I'm not willing to play those odds.

Just me.

Great nite for the patriots, eh Dave? We're celebrating at JJFlash's house. :biggrin:
Why can't you put your hand in your jacket and have your gun in your hand? I've had this exact scenario with 3 youths approaching me and that's just what I did - except my 5-shot was in my front pocket in a pocket holster. I looked them righ in the eyes and kept walking toward them. They crossed the street.
Keep them at what distance, though? Inside of 20 feet or so, they can get to you before you draw. How do you stop someone from approaching closer than 20 feet? Gotta be as awkward as just say, crossing the street immediately. If your warning alarms are already going off, why let him get closer? Realize he might only be looking for the library, but I'm not willing to play those odds.

Just me.

Great nite for the patriots, eh Dave? We're celebrating at JJFlash's house. :biggrin:

Hell YEA!!! It's been a great week here. The rally Sunday was amazing. Have a small drink for me eh? :victory:

I get the too close thing. I've seen the 20 ft disarm video. I'm in agreement with the move thing. If I don't know the guy or gal (lets face it, it's possible to be assaulted by a female) who cares if I cross the street quickly or turn off my path. I'm not willing to chance the outcome of the encounter. If I see the person change to mirror me and I get "that feeling" . Game ON... If I can get to a place with others so be it. if not, gonna have to make the stand and possibly thwart an attack. I'd rather have to call the police and explain why I had my gun out of it's holster. If they get too close I have a knife for the left hand if need be.

I can't call the outcome of all the situations posed here on this site, but I have said this to others when the conversation of self defense comes up. Regardless of the outcome anyone who assaults me will need to seek medical attention. I'm not inclined to go quietly...

I do need to schedule some time and find some funds for more training this year. My local dealer here does State police training and does cover close encounter defense and weapon retention tactics...

Keep my distance, flashlight, cellphone, knife, hand on pistol. All helpful suggestions. Except I am running out of hands. Remember, I have my worthless dog on a leash. Maybe a bag of dog doo.

I disagree with putting hand on pistol. This is going to tip the bad guy off, or turn some wise ass into a bad guy. Now my firearm is the bad guys focus.

Until I see the threat of deadly force my options are limited.

I have a carry permit, and carry often.

I have been thinking. Why do I need this firepower? For a mugger, pepper spray might do the job. What if he has a gun?

What if, what if, what if.

I am still scratching my head.
Why can't you put your hand in your jacket and have your gun in your hand? I've had this exact scenario with 3 youths approaching me and that's just what I did - except my 5-shot was in my front pocket in a pocket holster. I looked them righ in the eyes and kept walking toward them. They crossed the street.

This is what I do as well. I carry a subcompact pocket pistol in my front pocket (sometimes as a bug, sometimes as a primary) and can walk casually with a "ready to draw" grip on it. We have all heard that BGs target individuals who appear defenseless and afraid. I don't know if that is true, but I believe that trying not to show fear is probably the best way to go. If you can cross the street early enough to be casual, go for it, but I wouldn't do so if it makes it obvious to the individual approaching that you are trying to avoid him. That may just set him off. On the other hand, steady eye contact might annoy someone who is hyped up to be annoyed in the first place. I usually make brief eye contact, nod and say "how's it going," or something like that, as I pass. I also use my peripheral vision and maybe a slight glance back to make sure they are continuing on their way.

IMHO, if someone really wants to accost you, they will. Staying alert and noticing avenues of either casual (crossing the street) or emergency (running if need be) escape are a must in this world. Always survey your surroundings as you walk, drive, stand on the corner, whatever.

Something we used to say in the service: Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.
Go back home and change dogs! Get the Doberman! As long as the Dobie's ears are cropped and the tail is docked people cross to the other side of the street from you!:sarcastic:
Couple of quick thoughts:

1) toss the doggie dooo at the BG. People instinctively catch stuff.
2) someone is about to attack you and you are worried about letting go of the dog poo bag to have a hand free to get to your weapon?

My CCW instructor said that if you want to carry, you should be ready to use your weapon. This includes mentally as well as physically. He dresses to accommodate the gun, he makes his loved ones walk on his left (because he is right handed) to accommodate use of the gun, and he tries to stay at the ready at all times by mentally assessing potential threats. As a former law enforcement and military man, he was likely more alert than the rest of the population, but I think he has a point: be alert, and have a plan of action.
JJ Flash's first answer was the best and the correct answer. As paranoid as you sound, maybe your wife should walk the dog.:girl_wink:
JJ Flash's first answer was the best and the correct answer. As paranoid as you sound, maybe your wife should walk the dog.:girl_wink:

The correct answer? Are you an expert? Having a gun make you brave? Me paranoid? I don't think so. I take getting mugged, or pointing a firearm at someone very serious. That is why the question. Perhaps Danno, you need to drop the attitude?

I live in a run down neighborhood. We average at least one murder a month, and daily shots fired. Where do u live?
I just figured out where to throw the bag of dog poo.:sarcastic:
" Let him know you are carrying. "

Oops, I forgot we no longer live in a civilized society. Where anyone can impose on a stranger with impunity.

If they continue to approach ask, in a friendly manner, if they need assistance, directions, etc. Do have your hand where it can access your gun, unobtrusively if possible. If they act friendly and have no or a reasonable request comply. If they attack, act appropriately.
" Let him know you are carrying. "

Oops, I forgot we no longer live in a civilized society. Where anyone can impose on a stranger with impunity.

If they continue to approach ask, in a friendly manner, if they need assistance, directions, etc. Do have your hand where it can access your gun, unobtrusively if possible. If they act friendly and have no or a reasonable request comply. If they attack, act appropriately.

Just to argue the point a little: If he's close enough for you to talk in a friendly manner, and then he attacks, you're already way behind the 8-ball, IMO.

I appreciate everyone's input to this VALID "what-if" scenario. No need for attitudes. I would most definitely be on "high alert" in this scenario, especially in an iffy neighborhood. Not paranoid, just smart.
I would definitely MOVE. Something real obvious, like cross the street immediately. You gotta trust your "internal warning alarm". If he follows, then your alert level goes way up and you have other decisions to make. If he doesn't, problem solved.
I agree with crossing the street. I would also suggest considering jacket pocket carry, in an appropriate holster of course. You can then grip your gun without tipping anyone off. Even shoot through your pocket if necessary.

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