What are you Carrying?


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I'm concerned about maximum concealibility, so went with the Kel Tec p3AT and a K&D leather convertible pocket holster.
I carry a Glock 29 subcompact using a Clipdraw instead of a holster. I've had my CCW for about 1 1/2 years, but I recall it took a LONG time for the license to come back. I applied for my Utah license at the same time and it was back within just a few weeks. NM doesn't seem to be all that crazy about issuing the CCW license quickly.
Kel Tek works for me

Just wondering what the New Mexico guys are using If you have your permit or it's on the way, what is or will be your main carry gun...
I'm using (will be using) an XD40 with a Crossbreed IWB holster.

Have carried daily for a lot of years and have tired numerious combinations from ankle holsters, belly band holsters, inside the pants, with a variety of diffrent handguns and the Kel Tek 32 works best for me. Just drop it in the pocket and forget about it.
I carry a Glock 29 subcompact using a Clipdraw instead of a holster. I've had my CCW for about 1 1/2 years, but I recall it took a LONG time for the license to come back. I applied for my Utah license at the same time and it was back within just a few weeks. NM doesn't seem to be all that crazy about issuing the CCW license quickly.

I have had my application in for about 2-3 months if I recall correctlly. When I called them they said it was taking them an average of 100+ days to process the BG check. After that it is another 30 days to get the permit. Needless to say I am not happy.

When I FINALLY get my CCW I will be carrying my XD40 service model until I can afford a XD40SC. You wouldnt think the thing is smaller but it is and the magazines are interchangeable :D
I carry a Glock 27 IWB and have had my CCW since April of this year. As I recall it took 52 days for mine to arrive, 60 for Florida.
I carried the Kel-Tec P32 in my pocket for quite awhile before upgrading
to the Kahr PM9. More power, yet still fits in the pocket. Nice!!!:)

"Glock Kimber Keltec not all the same time". Very good that you brought that up. NM has a law problem that needs to be cleared up - ONLY ONE weapon carried at any time. No allowance for a backup. I carry a Ruger SP 101, unless I'm going to the mall :(, then it's the Ruger GP 100 - .357, and spare speed strips. Being a revolver guy, a backup would be way better than a fumbling speed strip (I do practice, honest! They are just slow). Any thoughts on presenting a statute change in 2009 (2008 is financial only), to correct that problem?
"Glock Kimber Keltec not all the same time". Very good that you brought that up. NM has a law problem that needs to be cleared up - ONLY ONE weapon carried at any time. No allowance for a backup. I carry a Ruger SP 101, unless I'm going to the mall :(, then it's the Ruger GP 100 - .357, and spare speed strips. Being a revolver guy, a backup would be way better than a fumbling speed strip (I do practice, honest! They are just slow). Any thoughts on presenting a statute change in 2009 (2008 is financial only), to correct that problem?

I agree that changes need to be made in the statute. The powers that be in Santa Fe are still not very gun frendly, and it is taking time to get reasonalbe changes made in the law. I would like to see the permits good for five years, as many other states have, instead of having to take the class and pay the fees every two years, and I do not see why they added the only one weapon at a time language, except to make it more difficult for concealed carry. Hope it changes in the near future.:)
Well I'm in florida and I could carry them all . The Keltec really has a hard time falling in the gun classifacation. Most would call it a mouse. New York reload is the fasted way to reload.

The reason I was told for the one weapon restriction, was that the state police want it for when they ask for a weapon at a vehicle stop, that there won't be a "hold back" with a backup weapon. Yeah, I know, makes no sense at all, for a number of reasons; why even license, if that's how they feel? This may be BS, and not the real reason for the rule, so don't go railing at your local state policeman! We also need to gear up for 2009 to try to change the NO CARRY in alcohol serving establishments. The "51%" rule, as in Texas (I think), or the "no carry where under 21 not allowed" as in Washington state, maybe would be palatible to the legislature. At least we could carry in alcohol serving restaurants then. This is "where to carry stuff", not what do you carry - don't mean to hijack the thread. I guess we need to get a "legal/law" thread going for NM. There is work ahead for all of us.
Putting up the good fight...

I carry, when I'm allowed to carry, a Polish P-64 in 9x18 Makarov. Good reliable gun, but will upgrade when funds allow.

Everyone is right on about the shortcomings of CCW laws in New Mexico. It's a shame that the July ruling, allowing guns to be carried into liquor stores, does not carry over to serving establishments.

Wal-Marts on the eastern side of the state are also notorious for not allowing concealed carry, which is a shame considering the Albuquerque San Mateo Wal-Mart holds one of the great triumphs in concealed carry stories.

2 year fees for CCW is ridiculous. Let's have at them politicians!
concealed carry

Commander_Cob; your reference to East side WalMarts being posted must be a local manager problem. Farmington has two super WalMarts, both are not posted, also one in Durango, Colorado is not posted. Strange though, the one Sam's Club (same company) that is next door to one of the WalMarts IS posted. I'm in a process to untangle what the problem may or may not be, between corporate headquarters, Liquor Control Board, and maybe DPS. We shall see. Many posts on this and other sites indicate that the WalMart corporate position on CCW is that it is no problem, but I haven't verified that myself.
I carry a Glock 17, or 27. Sometimes one on my hip and the other in the seat holster.

Commander_Cob; your reference to East side WalMarts being posted must be a local manager problem. Farmington has two super WalMarts, both are not posted, also one in Durango, Colorado is not posted. Strange though, the one Sam's Club (same company) that is next door to one of the WalMarts IS posted. I'm in a process to untangle what the problem may or may not be, between corporate headquarters, Liquor Control Board, and maybe DPS. We shall see. Many posts on this and other sites indicate that the WalMart corporate position on CCW is that it is no problem, but I haven't verified that myself.

Also in the Farmington area. Got into a debate with a fellow employee that said I can't carry in WalMart. I told him that the law changed last year regarding the alcohol thing, and the west side store didn't have a sign posted that I saw. I rarely go to WallyWorld though.
It depends on the weather. I like my Colt 1911 series 80 the best, but when the weather gets hot ( t-shirt and shorts ) i carry a Tarus ultralite 38.
Commander_Cob; your reference to East side WalMarts being posted must be a local manager problem. Farmington has two super WalMarts, both are not posted, also one in Durango, Colorado is not posted. Strange though, the one Sam's Club (same company) that is next door to one of the WalMarts IS posted. I'm in a process to untangle what the problem may or may not be, between corporate headquarters, Liquor Control Board, and maybe DPS. We shall see. Many posts on this and other sites indicate that the WalMart corporate position on CCW is that it is no problem, but I haven't verified that myself.

I have never seen posted Wal-Mart. It's not corporate policy and I suggest contacting corporate. They might get it taken down.
For CopteDr in particular: The east side Farmington Walmart is not posted at the entrance, but is posted in the far back end of the store for the liquor department only - not needed, but they posted it anyway????? I haven't checked the west side store yet, but will. Not a problem, just a nuisance. :icon_wink:
CCW Duration

Um....I believe some of you may have already missed something...

The law has already been changed in one regard. The licenses now last for
4 (four) years. I renewed my license in '06. It is valid to 2010.

However, you must re-qualify after two years. My requalilfication is due this
OM44 - One of the Legislative changes that might be proposed in 2009, is to eliminate the two-year requalification. I'm not sure, but I think that NM is the only "shall issue" state with this requirement. What is the point of a 4 year license, if you have to re-license in two years - that is exactly what re- qualification is about. My Washington license is for five years (as are some other states), with no requalification during that time - you are licensed, or not. Something to think about. :192: