What a sucky day!


New member
Well, I came into work today and ended up with some down time. I figured I'd jump online and see what was happening on all my favorite sites. The only one I could get to was usacarry.com. It looks like sometime last night they started filtering out any sites that came up with the category weapons. Kind of sucks! I mean they didn't block the saltwater fish pages the girl in front of me looks at, the automotive pages, or the sports forums. Why just the gun sites? Sorry for the venting! I just happy I can at least see what’s going on here.

Come to find out the filter they installed was to block inappropriate adult sites. Since when did a gun forum or MidwayUSA become an inappropriate adult site! Oh well......

Anonymouse is a great thing! lol
Reminds me of the time I went into a book store at a local Mall. B. Dalton I think. When I could not find a gun magazine I asked the clerk where they were. She told me that they did not sell gun magazines. They did sell Penthouse, Playboy, and the Advocate, a magazine for "Gays." When asked why they sold those but no gun magazine the reply was "that was just their policy." Go figure.
Lament With Me Brother ....

I hear ya ! It is like that here at my workplace as well. Everytime I try and go to certain sites, they are restricted d/t "violence & profanity". I cannot understand that. The real bummer is that I do not have a printer at home, so I try and print out what I can read at a later time, and a lot of the articles I try to get to are restricted. HELP !!!! I need to find the password so I can get in and change the settings. lol - Like that will ever happen.
Try this

I hear ya ! It is like that here at my workplace as well. Everytime I try and go to certain sites, they are restricted d/t "violence & profanity". I cannot understand that. The real bummer is that I do not have a printer at home, so I try and print out what I can read at a later time, and a lot of the articles I try to get to are restricted. HELP !!!! I need to find the password so I can get in and change the settings. lol - Like that will ever happen.

mot mayhem try this. Go to http://anonymouse.org/anonwww.html type in the mean ol gun site and bingo your in.
Many thanks. If it works, it will be "da bomb!" I could understand the truly bad sites, but this is not bad info. Heck, it would not even let me access my other passion for awhile. GASP !!!! - XBOX lol !:D ..... mot
Thanks Kimber. I have been looking for that site ever since this thread was started. I knew it was out there somewhere.
No problem

Hey no problem! Hope it comes in useful for someone else! I know my day goes faster when I can read some posts on my down time.