Welcome JSHolsters to USA Carry.


Staff member
Let's all give a welcome to Link Removed. They are our first advertiser. I have a few of their kydex products that I use each day. I have a paddle holster for my Glock 23 that I keep in my car. Very easy to slip on and off. I also use their extra mag holder daily. Link Removed and check out some of the quality products they offer.

They also have a new clothing line called Link Removed

USA CARRY EXCLUSIVE OFFER: They are giving anyone from USA Carry 15% off of all their orders! Be sure to use the code USCA1 while checking out to receive your discount.

Link Removed
It's a pleasure to be here. Our immersion in the shooting sports and our affinity for those who carry in protection of self, family, and community draws us to an online community like USACarry.

I look forward to meeting some of the folks who visit the board. I also look forward to fulfilling your holster and shirt orders.

Jason Schafer
JSHolsters, LLC
Do you have anything for a Ruger SR5?:i:

Give Mike a call @ (423) 257-3471. If we don't have it listed on the site he may have a mold setup for testing.

When we add new frames we mold by request for a couple of months and then list on the site as a production item.


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