Welcome Crossbreed Holsters as a Sponsor

I received my holster and must say that they are great to work with and it is a very well made product. I do however find it almost impossible to tuck a shirt in with this holster. I find that if I use it too far forward, it is uncomfortable on my inner thigh when seated. If I wear it on my side, it has an uncomfortable bulge. If I wear it towards the rear, it is very comfortable until seated. I purchased the holter to be able to tuck a shirt in for concealment. I have switched back to my Mitch Rosens belt holster and my shirt out but have not given up on my Crossbreed. What are other comments and veiws. Thanks, Dave
Welcome Cross Breed.

I have a SuperTuck for a Sig P229 and a MiniTuck for my Kahr PM9, in addition to some mag carriers.

If you are in the market for a tuckable IWB, do yourself a favor and buy a Cross Breed! Not only are their holsters great but their customer service is fantastic.

WooHoo, I told her about the two-week deal, and she gave me the SuperTuck after all! This is a sweet holster! If it is this comfortable now, I'll be in heaven once it conforms to "me". :biggrin: :man_in_love:
Love that Supertuck

Got my supertuck about 3 weeks ago and I love it I paid 80 dollars for one from their competitor but it didn't fit as well as the CrossBreed holster I wear it all day with my 1911 Combat Commander and I barely know it's there (I'm 6' and 345lbs):big_boss:
I to have one of their Super-Tuck IWB holsters, I had to stop useing it because something they must use to treat it caused my side to get a rash. That is the only holster that has ever done that.....:wacko:
Thanks Crossbreed.....I bought one about a month ago due to all the great feedback from this site, it is comfortable and does a great job consealing the gun. No printing at all noticed.
Just bought my Supertuck Deluxe yesterday for my Beretta Mini Cougar .45. Can't wait to see how it fits!

I bought one and carry my 8045 mini in it. I love it (both the gun and the holster!!), great holster. It is also nice knowing I helped get them to become a sponsor (OK, when I bought the holster, I just told them of all the great reviews here and that is why I'm buying).
Glad to have Mark, and and Crossbreed as sponsors here! I'm also a member on XDTalk.com, where Crossbreed is also a sponsor. Mark is a stand up guy - and as a SuperTuck and Belt owner, I say with experience and confidence, that he has a great product - one that I use everyday.
The SuperTuck is by far the most comfortable holster that I've ever owned, in fact I ordered one for a new gun yesterday. Their Customer Service is great also, Well deserved success !
I vote thumbs up on the SuperTuck... I also bought a Velcro lined belt from Craig and it is of extremely high quality and with the Velcro C clips works great with my SuperTuck....
I just finished my second day of wearing it and it is very comfortable. Of course, now I want to fool with it. I have the Super Tuck Deluxe. Do you adjust the cant of the holster by changing the orientation of the belt clips? I also read something about adjusting the height of how it rides. Has anyone had any experience doing that?

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