Week 1 Giveaway! We Have A Winner!


Staff member
Over the next four weeks we will be giving out some free prizes to the members of USA Carry. That's right! You're going to have a chance to get some great gear and other firearms related giveaways. All you need to do to win is post on the forums! That's all! Each relevant post you make will be credited as a ticket toward winning a weekly giveaway. And what I mean by relevant is that plain fly by posts will not be counted. For examples, "Yea", "Me too", etc. I won't be TOO picky about this but I think you'll get the idea.

So, let's get this started with week one's prize:

A Free Copy of Link Removed by J. Scott Kappas, Esq. from GunLaws.com

Link Removed

If you travel at all then you'll really like having this book in your car. I have a copy that I purchased when I was moving from Nevada and Florida and it definitely came in handy. You can also see my review of it here:

Link Removed

So get to posting and we'll see who the winner is next Monday!
See details here:

Link Removed

Just wanted to post another thread here to make sure no one misses it.

We have a winner for week 1. Could I please get a drumroll?

whiptrackercracker is our winner! Please contact me to find out where you want ye book shipped.

I'd like to thank everyone for participating in the forums. Don't be discouraged if you didn't win as we have a fantastic giveaway going this week. Link Removed.

We also have a monthly giveaway for a FREE Front Sight Training Certificate. If you haven't heard, Link Removed.
whiptrackercracker has informed me that he already has copies of this and asked to pick another user. I'll try to get this done tomorrow but i'm having computer problems at the moment. I'm having to post this from my phone.
I don't have a copy of this book. Does this count as a post? Hahaha. Actually I missed the part where you stated how you "pick" the winner.

Just curious.
I don't have a copy of this book. Does this count as a post? Hahaha. Actually I missed the part where you stated how you "pick" the winner.

Just curious.

Sure, it would count for this week's giveaway. What I do it pull all the active users for the week, generate a random number, and then review that person's posts. As long as they are not a troll just posting one liners trying to get post counts up then you qualify.

And our new winner is wifeypooandmom!
Yep, not a whole lot of posts but her # came up. I'm going to try and come up with some different ideas of how to win the giveaways instead of the same thing each week.
+1 also! We need more women CC posters. The more view points we have the more informed we are. Congratulations wifeypooandmom!

Thanks guys! Besides loving to shoot, it is important to me to teach my sons the laws of the land.
When we traveled a couple of yrs ago, I made sure I looked up all the laws of where we were going through.
Congrats to the winners!:bieren:
Luke, you could change the rules as you go, like they do on SURVIVOR! It's your game; do what works for you and your sponsors. I just think it is a nice thought to do the contest.
Yea, I'm trying to think of some interesting ideas other than just active posters. But from what it looks like so far, we'll be having one big giveaway a month with multiple items and winners.

But I kind of like the Survivor idea, just will need to figure out how that would work!