Weapon experience in the military: US Army


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I noticed a post asking for what kind of weapons I liked/disliked in the military, so here is my answer. The first weapons I carried in combat were the M79 Grenade Launcher, .45 caliber pistol, and the M16. This was before the M16 Over/Under came out (which included a grenade launcher on the bottom). I liked that combination because I didn't have to walk point (the M79 round had to travel 40 meters before it would explode).

Then when they gave me the 'Over/Under' they took away my .45 (and of course I now had to walk point). They figured since I no longer had to carry that 'heavy' .45, they let me carry 3 claymore mines (boy this brings back memories).

When I became a squad leader I received a short barrel M16 for close up fighting (not sure of the nomenclature on that one). I really liked that one. I had South Vietnamese Rangers give me c rations (peaches especially) just so I would trade weapons for an hour. They loved it.

When I first got out I bought an M2 Carbine from a friend at work. In the late 60's early 70's you could buy an entire box (still in original wrapper) for less than $200.00. We often went target shooting together. I really liked that, sorry I sold it.

As I stated in another post I now carry a S&W model 442 (J frame) lightweight. Kind of hard to carry (concealed) a carbine. I hope it never comes to that.

I had a S&W Chief Special that I carried for about 14 years (with Hydroshock +P hollow point ammo) that was stolen from my truck. I wouldn't mind having another. I also carry a Davis 22 magnum derringer (also a nice pocket gun), just not at the same time as my S&W .38 cal. 442. I found me a small leather cell phone case that it fits into nicely. That works much better than 911 anyway. :secret:
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The Army trusted me with an M16, nothing else. I spent my time from 1979 to 1982. Everything else I have ever owned or fired has been in civilian life. My understanding is that enlisted MILPERs now qualify with sidearms. Is that correct?:confused:
The "over/under" you speak of is the M203 Grenade Launcher.
My experience in the Marines included the M16A1, M14, M203, M870 Shotgun, M1911 Pistol, .38 Chief's Special, M2 & M60 Machine guns, LAAWS Rocket, and both 60 & 81mm Mortars. Oh the joys of an Infantryman with additional duties in the Armory and as a Marksmanship coach. :yes4:
Because of my duties at the time I was once qualified with the M-16, .38 and shot gun. I know I'm dating myself when I say .38 and wish back then they had already gone to a 9mm or back to the 1911. To brag a small bit, I did keep expert status on all of them.
My experience includes S&W M-15, Beretta 92F, 1911, cut down version of the 1911 for OSI, Colt chiefs special for aircrew, 03A3, M1 Garand, Remington 870, Winchester mod 1912, M-16, M-16 GAU, M-60, M79, XM148, M203, MK19 40mm Grenade Launcher and others.
The "over/under" you speak of is the M203 Grenade Launcher.
My experience in the Marines included the M16A1, M14, M203, M870 Shotgun, M1911 Pistol, .38 Chief's Special, M2 & M60 Machine guns, LAAWS Rocket, and both 60 & 81mm Mortars. Oh the joys of an Infantryman with additional duties in the Armory and as a Marksmanship coach. :yes4:

Almost forgot! In AIT I did have to qualify with the M60, I had one M60 assigned to my squad. When I was wounded the assistant MG'er took a round through the left side of his helmet. The MG crew was almost always targeted as it put out quite a bit of firepower. I trained on the M14 in both basic and AIT. I didn't even hold an M16 until we got on planes in Atlanta to head to California to ship out to Vietnam (Merchant Marine ship). I liked the M16 for it's weight, but the ammo often made it useless when a cartridge would expand in the chamber and you had to use a cleaning rod to extract it. That actually happened to me (another story).

I also carried a LAW (light anti tank) which I did also fire, but not at tanks. It worked on bunkers pretty good. As to the .38 pistol. I bought that when I worked for the Jefferson county (AL) sheriff's Department. The range Sgt. set up a special (5 round) qualification for me as everyone else was using an 18 round clip. As our qualification was timed, he made qualifying with a 5 round wheel doable. BTW, was the M16A1 the short barrel, adjustable stock M16?

The M16A1 replaced the three-prong Flash Suppressor with a cage-type Suppressor and added a Forward Assist mechanism on the left side of the Upper Receiver, to help the bolt fully seat when the finicky thing didn't go all the way home. As far as I know the M16 and the A1 used the same length barrel.
The M16A1 replaced the three-prong Flash Suppressor with a cage-type Suppressor and added a Forward Assist mechanism on the left side of the Upper Receiver, to help the bolt fully seat when the finicky thing didn't go all the way home. As far as I know the M16 and the A1 used the same length barrel.

Thanks Wolfhunter, I appreciate the reply. In 1967 all of the squad leaders (199th, Light Infantry Brigade) were issued a smaller version of the M16. It had an improved flash suppressor, a much shorter barrel, and an adjustable stock. It was designed for close, jungle warfare. It was especially effective in villages or anyplace were combat happened quick and up close. I've not seen or heard anything about this weapon and it may have just been a trial that just faded away. I loaned mine to my tunnel rat whenever he had to crawl down/into a hole. Previously he would have just carried a .45. War really is Hell.
Thanks Wolfhunter, I appreciate the reply. In 1967 all of the squad leaders (199th, Light Infantry Brigade) were issued a smaller version of the M16. It had an improved flash suppressor, a much shorter barrel, and an adjustable stock. It was designed for close, jungle warfare. It was especially effective in villages or anyplace were combat happened quick and up close. I've not seen or heard anything about this weapon and it may have just been a trial that just faded away. I loaned mine to my tunnel rat whenever he had to crawl down/into a hole. Previously he would have just carried a .45. War really is Hell.

In the AF it was called the GAU the civillian mod was called the CAR. Some had shorter barrels and others had longer barrels. They are still in use today.





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Usar m-16, m-60, laws rocket, grenades, m-16/m203 grenade launcher

ga. Doc ruger mini14, .38cal revolver, rem 870 12ga
Any of you ever used or fired that boxy looking tanker's machine-gun?
I remember it looked like an older Tommy, but had a square magazine, no stock. They gave it to tankers who couldn't get the (longer) M-16's inside the M-60's and same when the Army transitioned to the M1A1/2's? We all wanted one but the 'zip-guns' were 4 tanker use only.

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When I was with 8th ID(mech) HHC 2/68th Armored Regiment,in the 80's,they used the
M-60A3 Tank,and the crew was issued the "Grease Gun",in 45ACP,and the 1911.
I was in the M113 APC armed with a M16,and a 1911, as the medic.
I was issued one of these! :) It had a M242 25mm chain gun with a M240 pintle mounted machine gun.


I was also issued the normal M16A1 and a 12ga shotgun.
Std USAF sidearms

92F (M-9) Pistol

These are what i was formally trained on and although most people do not like the 92F...I found it to be fairly accurate and reliable.

I did have a mechanical failure (bolt head failed) with an M-16A2 once during qualification training but I was still able to Qualify with a different weapon and no one was hurt. It was just on of those freakish things. The weapon didn't sound right and the recoil was harsh. The next round would not chamber and when I attempted SPORTS it did not co-operate.
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My primary weapons were the M16A1 and the 9mm 92FS(M9).

I was fortunate to also qualify with the M60 and .50 cal M2. I remember we qualified with the M2 at night. Those tracers seem to go forever.... :biggrin:
U.S. Army 1972-75. At one time or another my personal issued weapons were the M-16A1, 1911A1, M-3 sub-machinegun, M-79 grenade launcher, M-60 machine gun and the M-2 heavy machine gun.
My 10 years in the USAF was very lacking in firearms training and experience. I was an aircraft mechanic for 3 years and a C130 flight engineer for 7.

In basic training, we got to qualify with M16's that had .22lr conversions installed. I never got to fire an automatic weapon until after my military days.

As a flight crew member, we carried .38 special revolvers (can't remember the model)concealed with 6 rounds of ball ammo whenever we left the country. We carried them openly during Desert Storm. I had a grand total of 1 day training with the .38.
My 10 years in the USAF was very lacking in firearms training and experience. I was an aircraft mechanic for 3 years and a C130 flight engineer for 7.

In basic training, we got to qualify with M16's that had .22lr conversions installed. I never got to fire an automatic weapon until after my military days.

As a flight crew member, we carried .38 special revolvers (can't remember the model)concealed with 6 rounds of ball ammo whenever we left the country. We carried them openly during Desert Storm. I had a grand total of 1 day training with the .38.

I cannot believe that the U.S. Military had you qualify with a .22 conversion kit. That's messed up! Then again being that it was the U.S.A.F. I'm not too surprised. I've seen stranger things since moving over from the U.S. Army.

I've trained on or quald with a few weapons over the years....

M9 (9mm)
M9 (bayonet)
M203 Grendade Launcher
M500 SG
Barrett M82A2
M60 MG
M249 SAW
M240B MG
M240C MG
M2 .50 MG
M242 Bushmaster (What's the sound of the 25?....Boom Boom...)
FMG-148 Javelin
M220 TOW Launcher
60, 81, and 120MM Mortars
M67 Frag, Incendiary grenades
shot various soviet style weapons (AK-47s, 74s, RPK, PKC, Draganov, Chineese/Iraqi Pistols)

but the best wepon in my ruck sack over the years has been the RT 1523E.
In the Corps I fired M16A1,A2, 1911,92F, M60, SAW, M203,TOW2. The TOW2 was alot of fun and I would love to have a SAW.

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