WASP knife


Titles are un-American.
Well, this is pretty crazy.

The only downside I can see to this is that you have to get close enough to the target to stab it, and then press the button to blow it up, which means exposing yourself a great deal to attack. You'll rarely get the chance to stab anyone or anything that deeply during a fight - and if you do, then it's probably dead already.

I'm not sure whether a shallower stab would just cause a less effective explosion, or just blow the knife out. This would be far more potent in the form of a spear or a dart that could be used from a distance.
First, I really don't want to get that close to someone I perceive as a threat.

Next, if we're told to cower in fear over using handloaded ammo in case of a civil suit--imagine how this might look to a jury!

Last, imagine the mess. And you'd have to be worried about blood pathogens...
First, I really don't want to get that close to someone I perceive as a threat.

Next, if we're told to cower in fear over using handloaded ammo in case of a civil suit--imagine how this might look to a jury!

Last, imagine the mess. And you'd have to be worried about blood pathogens...
Yeah, it's not practical for most purposes. Creative nonetheless.
I'd put this one in the same category as the "safety bullet". Only value I see in this product is entertainment when my friends see me bust open a watermelon like that.

Interesting but the only practical application I can see is for SCUBA diving. Most states limit the length of a blade you can carry and CWP's don't cover knives. Military may like the idea but it's only a single shot. Once they make a semi-auto version who knows...
In FL we could technically carry them, as FL is specifically a "concealed weapons license", and the Dept. of Agriculture states this. They also inform us to keep this in mind when travelling to other states that it is only a concealed handgun license otherwise.

Regardless, I think this is a useless tool except for as stated above, scuba diving.
Interesting but the only practical application I can see is for SCUBA diving. Most states limit the length of a blade you can carry and CWP's don't cover knives. Military may like the idea but it's only a single shot. Once they make a semi-auto version who knows...

Actually, an Arizona CWP does cover knives.
Actually, an Arizona CWP does cover knives.
My mistake! In my statement "Most states limit the length of a blade you can carry and CWP's don't cover knives. " I meant to say "Most states limit the length of a blade you can carry and most CWP's don't cover knives." I think more states don't allow concealed knife Carry than do.
Just curious 2 know about legality, quality & lethality of the auto-eject, aka 'lock-back' knives in your state. Any knife that with a trigger/button depress shoots a 3"-4" blade straight out of the front from an enclosed handle is not a knife U want 2 B found carrying, owning or using in any form in WA, even using one as a life or certain death option ='s perp will prolly live, sue & walk and U will go down hard. Found most of the models R poorly made, [China, etc.] handled & played with 'em inside stores outa state a long while back, found 'em on sale in places like Asia, but for a serious knife I could not see how that 0.1 secs of a blade popping out the front gives U much of an edge (surpise factor/faster 2 deploy?), especially if the first time you try a solid thrust, slash or parry the handle breaks off the blade. Ooops! IMHO it's a gimmick but if any patron has specs or a JPG of a good auto/lock-back, please post link, not a switch blade that swings 90' to open, $3 a pop junkers same as a butterfly that I nearly lost 3 fingers fucking with until I threw it into a trash compacter, good riddance! I'd love to see a real pro model, say maybe with a 5lb 'punch' spring-loaded blade say 1" wide, I could see a military/PMC use for a good well made version that has enough push power that U just hold the haft to the perp, hit a button and 3"-4" of double edged very sharp pointed end dirk does the penetration, good steel version that is E-Z 2 keep outa sight & buries into the BG with no overt fancy tweaks from U as the dude using it. Looked around da net, not impressed, 4-get Bud-K © = $20-50 junkers, won't ship to more states than I care to list. Always want what I can't have.

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Kershaw makes a great "assisted opening" knife. I've got several of them, have put a couple of them through a lot of abuse, and they keep on working.


Here's a couple of photos of the knives I carry. They have models that are both larger and smaller. This model is called the "Leek"

Clarification OTF's.

Nice cutters but the nipple on the blade indicates it's what I carry, a thumb assisted folder, yes they deploy fast if U practice. Any blade that swings out 90 degrees to lock into place whether by a spring action release (switch-blade) or a thumb flick assist is in the same family, except a switch-blade is normally illegal because they R much faster to deploy but generally very poor quality body, spring and crappy blade, whereas a thumb folder are normally better made, legal carry (most states) clipped inside a front pants pocket with the knife inside and the clip just showing on the outside pocket seam line. Below is the model and web site for what I am talking about, blade does not swing 90' in a circular sweep to open, it just shoots right out of the front. Called OTF or out the front. A good spring will push it thru a 1/2" piece of plywood and even go right thru some body armor. Once U press/slide that button it locks into position VERY fast. U have to press the button to retract it manually. The Catch 22: LAW ENFORCEMENT/ACTIVE MILITARY ONLY! (normally)
Some special-ops (Euro/S. African,) get them issued as a CQC back-ups for a pistol out of rounds with no time to reload. Hope that helped distinguish the difference.
Benchmade Infidel Double Action OTF Automatic Knife 3300 - Blade HQ
At $395 a pop this is nothing close to any knife Jo-Public ever normally gets to tote!

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This is the Excalibur by Piranha, and at about $380 is not a $20 throw away piece of junk.

Link Removed

The Piranha Excalibur Double Action Out The Front.

New Double Action Out The Front Automatic Knife By AMC Piranha. High Quality And Custom Made In The USA! 6061-T Type 3 Hardcoat Anodized Aluminum Handle Construction. 154 Cm Blade Steel With A 59 RC Rating. Heat Treated Stainless Steel Springs Open And Close The Blade Powerfully!
Length 3.2"
Thickness .125"
Material 154-CM
Hardness 59 RC

6061-T6 Type 3 Hard Coat Anodized Aircraft Alloy
Overall Length 7.9"
Size Closed 4.75"
Pocket Clip Titanium
Hardware All Stainless Steel; Pins and Screws
Weight 4.4 oz.

They are also legal here in Florida
No M8!
That is a very nice bit of kit Palmach; the Excalibur by Piranha. Same family of state of the art (never cheap) single purpose killer CQC blades. And it auto-retracts too, how totally bitching!!!! Not 4 me to own or use here, ='s jail time in WA :-(
Wonder what other states allow a person to carry one? As a back up, or alternate 1st use weapon to a pistol (boot, belt or pocket carry) I wonder what would be faster when a BG is hiding around corner and jumps U? Not much time to pull, aim + fire, but personally I would go for that blade as a 1st use equalizer, drop BG with a serious stab wound. Just push it unopened against center of mass & hit the button, let the spring do the push 'n poof! If that fails U now have a great blade deployed for any more agro. Back away then think about moving to the pistol if the BG still wanted to/or could even cause me any more grief after a King Arthur style pneumothorax. Anyone who is suddenly within a 3 meter circle of U with bad intent probably would not give many a chance to even use a shooter (open carry states not included) unless my pistol was already out and ready, not my normal way to stroll out for a cool evening walk. I could deploy that honey in 1-2 secs from a pants pocket concealed carry, or 1 sec faster than my XD-9. Very nice and way lethal. I'm starting to think Florida must be one very nice state, in envy of course!
My Regards,

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No M8!
That is a very nice bit of kit Palmach; the Excalibur by Piranha. Same family of state of the art (never cheap) single purpose killer CQC blades. Not 4 me to own or use here, ='s jail time in WA :-(
Wonder what other states allow a person to carry one? As a back up, or alternate 1st use weapon to a pistol (boot, belt or pocket carry) I wonder what would be faster when a BG is hiding around corner and jumps U? Not much time to pull, aim + fire, but personally I would go for that blade as a 1st use eqalizer, drop BG with a serious stab wound, back away then think about moving to the pistol if the BG still wanted to/or could even cause me any more grief after a King Arthur style pneumothorax. Anyone who is suddenly within a 3 meter circle of U with bad intent probably would not give many a chance to even use a shooter (open carry states not included) unless my pistol was already out and hot. I could deploy that honey in 1-2 secs from a pants pocket, or 1 sec faster than my XD-9. Very nice and way lethal. I'm starting to think Florida must be one very nice state, in envy of course!
My Regards,


I keep looking at them at every gun show, but have yet to take the plunge. I currently carry an assisted tactical.

The automatic is definitely a plus in the scenario you describe. I might have to give this some more thought.

Regards back at ya.

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