No scam, just a crooked way of doing business
This not something I would automatically look for when buying. I stinks of scam. I do believe that I shall not be doing business with this firm.
You must be a new user to the www then, because there have been companies doing this exact same thing for YEARS. It IS right there on the CHECK OUT page, you have to see that page to be able to buy anything from them.
It doesn't stink of scam, it stinks of people not paying attention. People who don't read what is shown to them on the CHECK OUT page are STUPID. They aren't conning you at all. You want to buy from them, you HAVE to play by THEIR rules.
Ironhorse can put a big ol' I'M STUPID stamp on his forehead so he sees it everytime he looks in the mirror. It IS your finger that clicks the mouse button without reading what you NEED to read, to SEE what the RULES for this website are that you are going to do business with.
STUPID, STUPID, STUPID. LOTS of STUPID people out there.
It cost ME $269 last year because I was STUPID and NEVER READ the rules on a website. That REALLY PI$$ED ME OFF. Whose fault? MINE! STUPID ME.
We DO pay for our EDUCATION sometimes. It cost Ironhorse $40. It cost me $269.
Yes, I whined to the credit card company... they sent me a screen shot of the page where I clicked "YES"... and right there in nice clear letters was the info it would cost me $269 IF I didn't call and cancel within 30 days.
I paid.
But I tell you what. I pay attention now and HOPE I pay attention enough I don't get caught AGAIN.
There are places that I DON'T buy from... because I don't want to play their f***ing games.
Just chalk it up to education Ironhorse and get on with life. Pay better attention next time, or you might have to pay HUNDREDS of dollars like I did when I never paid attention.
Me? I think it is a $hity way to do business, but hey, it is their business.
Personally, I think the government should pass a law that ALL transactions like that have to be paid with PayPal, then they couldn't do that crap.
NOTICE, just about all of those "just pay shipping" for this or that ALWAYS ONLY accept credit cards. NO PayPal.
Because with PayPal, the sale is OVER, with a credit card, watch out, they have your number.
With PayPal, they couldn't do that little screw me later deal.
I looked. Yep, they do NOT take PayPal... they WANT/NEED your credit card number so they can slip it to you later. Same with the place I got took for $269.00... NO PayPal accepted. Ba$tard$.