I have 2 rugers (.380 & .38+P), 1 Marlin .22 semi auto, 2 S&W 38s, one Sig 239 in .40 and the Springfield SC .40. When I pick one up to have fun, it will always be the Springfield. Just a great shooting, acurate, fells good in your hand weapon. Very dependable and eats anything you feed it. Not the easiest to conceal, but certianly not the hardest. You get used to it and it will be more than enough to stop a BG. Walthers are good too, but for me the Springfield is my favorite all around weapon. Almost to much fun to think of as a CCW, but it serves this purpose well. I know it will always go BANG!
As mentioned, find both of them and go to the range. To each his own. You will know when you pick it up if it is the one for you:to_pick_ones_nose: