Wallyworld Price Increase


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I forgot that I was going to the range tomorrow, so while I was out I stopped at Wallyworld to pick up some White Box ammo to shoot. As I was chatting with the salesperson, they informed me that prices would be increasing on July 1st.
Like everything else. I've been waiting for a descent price on 38 ammo. probably better just buy it now I'm sure it won't go down.
Prices on materials are rising along with raw materials.

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Basically, every single component of your car, gun, ammunition, house, computer, cell phone, etc is affected by this. It's a really fundamental change.

There's a lesson in all of this - don't put all your eggs in one basket.
Towards the end of June, I bought 2 boxes of 100 rounds of white box .45 ACP for $29 and change each from Walmart. A week ago, I bought another 2 boxes of the same from a different Walmart for the same price. The clerk at the last store said that prices would be going up, but slowly. I may have to pick up a few more boxes before slowly becomes a reality.

The same box of 100 from Sportsman Warehouse a few miles away was $38.
Towards the end of June, I bought 2 boxes of 100 rounds of white box .45 ACP for $29 and change each from Walmart. A week ago, I bought another 2 boxes of the same from a different Walmart for the same price. The clerk at the last store said that prices would be going up, but slowly. I may have to pick up a few more boxes before slowly becomes a reality.

The same box of 100 from Sportsman Warehouse a few miles away was $38.

I stopped in the other day to augment my supply for the range this weekend and to pick up some .357 for my new snubbie.

Well, the White Box 9MM which has been $18.42 per 100 is now $19.97 and the .45 also went up about $1 - $1.25 per 100. The $29 and change price you paid reflects the increase, as up until a few weeks ago the price was $28.42 a box of 100
I stopped in WallyWorld the other night and bought 3 boxes (all they had) of Winchester White Box .45 cal 100 rounds for $21 a box. They were clearance priced so they probably won't be carrying them anymore there. All the other Walmarts are $29.
I've been seeing many commercials lately about the meteoric rise in the prices of precious metals. Maybe this is partially manifesting itself in the form of higher prices for ammo?
I've been seeing many commercials lately about the meteoric rise in the prices of precious metals. Maybe this is partially manifesting itself in the form of higher prices for ammo?

I'm not sure if brass and lead are precious metals, but the continuous decline of the USD in the world market is a major contributor.

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