WA non-resident CCW for Idaho


New member
I just want to confirm this is the best way for me to go. If I get an Idaho CCW permit it's not recognized in Washington (I live in Post Falls, 5 miles from the border and spend a decent amount of time in Spokane) but Idaho does recognize Washington's CCW permits. So I'm thinking of getting the non-resident WA permit, which should allow me carry CCW in Washington, Idaho, Montana and Utah. I'll be out of luck in Oregon but won't be there much anyway, so most of the PNW is covered.

Cost of Wa and Idaho permits are about the same, both are shall issue and take up to 60 days. Anything else I need to know about?

PS, not interested in Utah permit.....:)
Yes I think you would be better served by this especially since you spend a lot more time in Spokane. I went and got mine and it only took 17 days to get it in the mail and cost me 60 bucks. Go for it!
Thanks Gunny, I applied yesterday. Since I'm a non resident, it'll take up to 60 days instead of the regular 30, I'm thinking/hoping maybe 4-5 weeks. But getting my Idaho permit doesn't allow me to carry in Washington, so it's kind of worthless to me. Both states are shall issue, so there should be no problems.
You should be good to go with a WA permit. Although some LEO don't know it, Idaho excepts all valid permits so you will not have any problems. We are still fairly friendly that way. I would diffinately go with the WA permit though. I have a Utah permit but carry heavily up in Idaho. No Problems!!!
Yes you can, however...

ID is a we honor all State. Keep in mind not all ID LEOs know or elect to follow the law. Also keep in mind that ID qualifies for a NICS exemption. So you have an added bene of getting ID.

I had an incident where I was driving on I-15 north from Vegas to Missoula MT in October 2006. I was pulled over an harassed by Bonneville County Sheriff's Office. I just showed them the first one in my wallet which was Florida. They claimed it wasn't valid. So I gave him my full house which consisted of CT, NH, NV and UT. I had VA is another section of my wallet as it's not DL sized.

I was finally let go after about 45 min after my UT was validated. The sergaent that responded also stated that none of mine are valid in MT. Upon returning to Vegas. I got my attorney involved and contacted the ID AG. The ID AG responded that my Florida was valid there providing it was in my possession. I sent a letter of complaint to the BCSO public information office. I never heard anything back. They have been put on notice through my attorney through a complaint through ID State Police that ID is a "we honor all" State. I also found out through my attorney that the BCSO deputy responding did not do any check with ID State Police on the validity of a FL CWFL.

My attorney also advised me that if this incident does happen again with a local ID LEO to request an ID State Trooper to respond to the scene and educate them on ID State law.
Wow, sorry to hear about all that. Sounds like you were screwed with big time.

Hopefully, I won't have any problems, most of the pandhandle area is sort of a suburb to Spokane and folks drive back and forth as a matter of routine. I got to the clerk's office in Spokane about 1:00pm and I noticed she already was processing about 7-10 gun permits that day. There was no way to tell if any others were from Idaho, but she seemed to think my request was in the norm.

I can always get an Idaho permit later, I'd prefer not to just to keep things simple if the Washington permit gets me by.

I grew up and lived in California for 48 years, and you get used to being around only cops and criminals who carry there. Living up here is like heaven for gun owners, probably more places that sell guns here within 5 miles of my home than all of LA county serving 10,000,000 population!
HAHA...That story sounds as true as can be. Being someone who grew up in bonneville county, with sherrifs down the street, it would not surprise me. Pretty much any more I do not take the word of any officer as being true fact of law when I know differently or even if I don't know. I have them go and verify it always. Its the only way to make them learn. Honestly, 99% of the time, Idaho LEO are cool. It seems that the two counties with the most problems are bonneville and ada county, at least from what I've heard. Otherwise, typically the officer will just want to know what you own and if they can see it, just because they love guns!!!!
HAHA...That story sounds as true as can be. Being someone who grew up in bonneville county, with sherrifs down the street, it would not surprise me. Pretty much any more I do not take the word of any officer as being true fact of law when I know differently or even if I don't know. I have them go and verify it always. Its the only way to make them learn. Honestly, 99% of the time, Idaho LEO are cool. It seems that the two counties with the most problems are bonneville and ada county, at least from what I've heard. Otherwise, typically the officer will just want to know what you own and if they can see it, just because they love guns!!!!
The responding sergeant was impressed with my ammo choices. I had some Winchester original Black Talon in my firearms. Just haven't had the heart to shoot it. I think it's more of an issue of corruption. Link Removed It doesn't surprise me that this sort of thing goes on up there from an acquaintance of mine who still lives in Bonneville County. Her big criticism is the corruption that goes on up there.
Just an update, my Washingtom non-resident permit came in the mail on 6/20 so the turn around time is less than a month, even though I was told up to 60 days.
Just an update, my Washingtom non-resident permit came in the mail on 6/20 so the turn around time is less than a month, even though I was told up to 60 days.

Wow: It took 62 days for mine a year ago from Asotin County and I applied in person.

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