OK been a certifiable computer nerd since my first computer a VIC 20, been though every incarnation of every OS, and every bug, and have fixed it all myself, leaned a lot that way but then I spent a heap of time fixing software glitches and keep my computers running a lot longer than anyone else. Then came VISTA...
It ran smoothly, if a program froze the OS isolated it and would look for a solution, and never the blue screen of death of the other MS systems.
Then tonight while on line the system became unstable, Outlook became glitchy. then it happened the blue screen of death... But it shut it's self down "to protect" then it 'Saved information" N when it rebooted it's self it went into diagnostic mode and found the problem, as it restored my data. Old version of the INTEL chip drivers was at fault, it sent me to the INTEL appropriate update page, gave me the file name to look for. All I had to do was click it, let it download, then reboot. Now the system runs smoother than before and uses over 200 megs less memory to boot.
For those of you that have avoided the VISTA OS "don't worry be happy."
It ran smoothly, if a program froze the OS isolated it and would look for a solution, and never the blue screen of death of the other MS systems.
Then tonight while on line the system became unstable, Outlook became glitchy. then it happened the blue screen of death... But it shut it's self down "to protect" then it 'Saved information" N when it rebooted it's self it went into diagnostic mode and found the problem, as it restored my data. Old version of the INTEL chip drivers was at fault, it sent me to the INTEL appropriate update page, gave me the file name to look for. All I had to do was click it, let it download, then reboot. Now the system runs smoother than before and uses over 200 megs less memory to boot.
For those of you that have avoided the VISTA OS "don't worry be happy."