Visiting Washington State


New member
Hey guys, I'm not new to the gun world but I am new to concealed carry, I'll be visiting some family in Washington and plan to carry for the first time with my Utah Non - Resident CCW. I've read the state laws and looked at where and where not to carry. Any advice, tips or words of wisdom for a newbie?
Any advice, tips or words of wisdom for a newbie?

If you happen to get stopped by LEO, keep your mouth shut about your gun and your permit unless they ask you about it. Some restaurants that serve alcohol have their liquor control board "No Firearms" in the wrong place - at the entrance to the restaurant instead of the bar area. Only the bar area is off limits. If a person <21 years old can legally be in the restaurant, so can your gun.
Yep, that is pretty much it, it's the same courthouse, police department, Post Office etc, have a good stay here.
Other than the avoiding the obvious places stated above, is there any other places I should watch out for?
Just wanted to thank NavyLCDR and mojoman for the help. I had a great time in Washington. Looking forward to visiting again