Virginia Conceal Carry Transport Law? Anyone know?


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I have recently obtained my Virginia Concealed Carry Permit and am a resident of the state (was born and raised here). I have read and understand just about every gun law for my state except one. Perhaps you folks or fellow Virginians can enlighten me.

If you have a VA CCP can you place your loaded handgun into an unlocked glovebox or center console?
I have recently obtained my Virginia Concealed Carry Permit and am a resident of the state (was born and raised here). I have read and understand just about every gun law for my state except one. Perhaps you folks or fellow Virginians can enlighten me.

If you have a VA CCP can you place your loaded handgun into an unlocked glovebox or center console?

Yes, you can keep it wherever you like within the state as a CHP holder. Personally, I keep it in the door pocket in hands reach. You can also keep it in the open. Obviously while you're with it, not just leaving it out while you go inside someplace.
Yes, with a concealed permit in VA you can place the weapon anywhere you like, provided that you have your permit and picture ID on you. If you do not have your permit, the weapon must be unloaded/cased and seperate from the ammunition - in a location not easily accessible to any occupant of the vehicle (easily accessible would be defined as "no overt movement necessary to access/retrieve the weapon").
Just Do Not Forget

Those with a Virginia Concealed Handgun Permit MAY have your gun anywhere it is accessible to you, in an unlocked console or glove box, in the door pocket, under the seat, under your leg, or anywhere else.

But, you are responsible to control or mange the loaded gun at all times. So consider what happens if you get in accident, or make a rest stop, or get out to pump some gas. Or what happens when your trip is finished and you are leaving your car. Will you remember to "strap it on" again?

When you first begin to carry concealed you are constantly aware that you have a loaded gun with you. But after some time it becomes second nature and your awareness is diminished when potential threat levels are low.

I have found when around other people such as a rest stop or gas station my alertness is increased and I do strap it back on. The times I forgot and left it in the car were when I was home and the threat level was minimal. I suppose if your car is locked in your garage that there is some security and safety, unless you have kids around or adults who are not firearms savvy - then what? Leaving your loaded gun around for someone else to discover is always BAD.

So consider developing a memory jogger to remind yourself that you have placed your gun somewhere in the car. Perhaps put your pocket change in a different pocket from normal, or put your wallet in a different pocket. Something that feels different and will remind you, Oh yeah, do not forget the gun.
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Just wanted to thank everyone for posting - lot of accurate information from what I've been able to verify. I'd like to pose one more question... I obtained my VA concealed carry permit in 2005. As a Marine, it was EASY to prove I had the required training to handle a handgun, yet alone conceal. However, I'm really trying to get my father to get his, and I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas/recomendations as to the best training courses for him to take. He lives in Williamsburg, but I don't know what his county offers as far as classes. He is an inteligent man, but I know he hasn't had much experience with the different types of handguns...

Any input??
Bob's Gun shop in Norfolk offers classes in house, but they also have an online course you can take that's accepted in state as proper training for license purpose. They are just awesome guys down there... super helpful and pricing is fair and consistent.
Thanks! Actually, 10 minutes after I posted this I spoke with a licensed NRA instructor named Chris located in Norfolk. Spent about an hour on the phone with him last night - very thourough... would be a great fit for awould-be carrier with no experience. I'll keep Bob's in mind too - better to have more good choices than not enough.

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