Violation of the first amendment?


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Mon Mar 10, 1:29 PM ET

LANCASTER, Pa. - The family of a middle school student who was given detention for wearing a T-shirt bearing the image of a gun has filed a federal freedom of speech lawsuit against the school district.


Donald Miller III, 14, went to Penn Manor High School in December wearing a T-shirt he said was intended to honor his uncle, a U.S. Army soldier fighting in Iraq.

The shirt bears the image of a military sidearm and on the front pocket says "Volunteer Homeland Security." On the back, over another image of the weapon, are the words "Special issue Resident Lifetime License — United States Terrorist Hunting Permit — Permit No. 91101 — Gun Owner — No Bag Limit."

Officials at the Millersville school told him to turn his shirt inside out. When Miller refused, he got two days of detention.

His parents, Donald and Tina Miller of Holtwood, have accused the Penn Manor School District in a lawsuit of violating their son's First Amendment rights with a "vague Orwellian policy" that stifles both patriotism and free speech.

But an attorney for the school district said school must create a safe environment for students in the post-Columbine era, and bringing even the image of a gun to school violates the district's policy.

"There's a much higher level of sensitivity these days," Penn Manor attorney Kevin French said. "But it's based on reality."

The lawsuit was filed in January. A federal judge will hold a conference on the case March 31.
Sounds a bunch like the kid who drew a laser gun on a piece of paper and got expelled. Yeah its really stupid and obviously in violation of his rights. But similar stances of censorship with marijuana shirts or gang clothing have passed by the eyes of the law without problems. Apparently in School students don't have rights. Learned that the hard way myself. Unfortunately parts of society are uneducated anf weary already. With all their knowledge coming from the news and hollywood. Then you add these school shootings and its a match to an already growing flame. Lame and unfair, but the kid or his parents probably don't have a shot. No pun intended. The parents should have probably known better or they should send their kid to a different school. Either way, welcome to the system. GRR
sounds like a violation to me. what we aren't allowed to suppport our troops anymore? to show how we stand on terrorism? what kind of crap is this country up to?
Here in Hawaii, one of my friends is a game enforcement officer. One of his sons had a Glock cap. He wore the cap to school and was sent to the principal's office. Apparently the cap was "offensive" as defined in "school policy". :grr:The boy took the cap home and went to work. The next day he wore the cap to school with a minor modification. The "G" in the word "Glock" was modified to look like a "C", and the letter "l" was removed. :icon_smile: The cap now read "Cock perfection". He was sent to the office again. My friend went to see the principal. Thinking the worse, my friend was ready for a lecture and as s**t rolls down hill, thinking of what he would be saying to his son. When he got to the office, the principal showed him the cap. My friend was quick to point out to the principal that his son was a hunter and a "cock" was a male pheasant. After a brief discussion and a look at the wording of the local hunting regulations, the principal agreed to allow the boy to keep his hat, with no punishment.

Needless to say, my friend had a good laugh when his son got home from school. We joke about the incident from time to time.

LMAO, that's awesome. I should do that with my Glock shirt!:icon_lol:

I remember drawing all sorts of stuff in school that would be considered violent. In my Sophmore year of High School, I wrote a fictional story involving my English teacher being taken hostage. They took me to the principals office and asked me if I was abused at home, or I felt angry on a daily basis. They basically tried to figure out if I was a psycho, or a terrorist or something. Just goes to show how schools are getting worse and worse.

In 2nd grade I had a T-Shirt that said: 'No Jesus, No Peace' on it. Of course, I was told to turn it inside out, and my parents were called. Our founding fathers would be so pissed if they were here.
Can't ware a shirt with a gun on it but if it had something vulgar on it that would probably be o.K.
I remember drawing all sorts of stuff in school that would be considered violent. In my Sophmore year of High School, I wrote a fictional story involving my English teacher being taken hostage. They took me to the principals office and asked me if I was abused at home, or I felt angry on a daily basis. They basically tried to figure out if I was a psycho, or a terrorist or something. Just goes to show how schools are getting worse and worse.

Too funny. My little guy is an avid school artist (not so good at actually doing the front side of the papers) and his favorite thing to draw are war scenes. LOTS of guns/arrows/spears/tanks/cannons/etc. (depends on the war he's depicting). I am glad we live where he's not getting expelled for his historical art :).
Here in Hawaii, one of my friends is a game enforcement officer. One of his sons had a Glock cap. He wore the cap to school and was sent to the principal's office. Apparently the cap was "offensive" as defined in "school policy". :grr:The boy took the cap home and went to work. The next day he wore the cap to school with a minor modification. The "G" in the word "Glock" was modified to look like a "C", and the letter "l" was removed. :icon_smile: The cap now read "Cock perfection". He was sent to the office again. My friend went to see the principal. Thinking the worse, my friend was ready for a lecture and as s**t rolls down hill, thinking of what he would be saying to his son. When he got to the office, the principal showed him the cap. My friend was quick to point out to the principal that his son was a hunter and a "cock" was a male pheasant. After a brief discussion and a look at the wording of the local hunting regulations, the principal agreed to allow the boy to keep his hat, with no punishment.

Needless to say, my friend had a good laugh when his son got home from school. We joke about the incident from time to time.


now that is funny:)

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