Vets and Guns membership clarified.


New member

Veterans and Guns is an open to all USA Carry patrons social group.
It is still a posting environment that focuses on the U.S. Armed Forces, past and present,
the weapons they used or now use as Veterans, and has valuable leads/links to V.A. & DOD topics.
Several threads exist within it, please try to post to an on-topic one or create a new post/thread.
It exists within the Military and Veterans forum accessed thru the main menu.
A reminder to all that our freedoms & rights are not givens without sacrifices.

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vets and guns membership

count me in! u.s. army 23jan. 1974-12 feb. 1978 air cav 10yrs. n.b.c. 3yrs. sgt(p):biggrin: