Vets and concealed carry fees.


I had a thought when I applied for my C&R. Police, and other active and retired law enforcement personell get their fees waived and renewal fees waived. My thought was, why not active duty, Retired and Honorably discharged vets get that same break? I am all for paying for the initial background check as this does require time and effort. The regular fees however in my opinion for the above mentioned should be the same as law enforcements.
Agree? Disagree? What do you think?
I agree! At least in SC as long as you have a service connected disability through the VA the permit fees are waved.
yeah, most active duty service members have put more rounds that any two police officers, and certainly more than most FF'ers
Some States do waive the fees, all you pay for is the back ground, fingerprints, and photos if required. And here is another good thought, for all you vetrans, how many times have you been fingerprinted in your career. It should only take one or two fingers to verify who you are, your prints are already in the National Data Base.
United States Constitution, Amendment 14, Section 1 (in part):

"No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

If anyone has their fees waived because they are a particular class of person, everyone should get their fees waived.


Sorry, just the "radical" libertarian in me...
I had a thought when I applied for my C&R. Police, and other active and retired law enforcement personell get their fees waived and renewal fees waived. My thought was, why not active duty, Retired and Honorably discharged vets get that same break? I am all for paying for the initial background check as this does require time and effort. The regular fees however in my opinion for the above mentioned should be the same as law enforcements.
Agree? Disagree? What do you think?

So long as you don't ask "S&W" for the "Law enforcement" discount. :sarcastic:

Thank you for bringing me back to the world brother. I almost forgot. For a moment there I thought that we lived in my fathers America. By the way, does anyone know what the hell happened? What is so wrong with that America anyway?
My youngest(25) said to me one day out of the blue."Dad, when you guys are gone, this place is gonna go straight to hell."
All I could say was: We taught our values to you young man and now it is up to you to live them and teach them to your sons and daughters. All we can pray for is that there is enough of us left.
Thank you for bringing me back to the world brother. I almost forgot. For a moment there I thought that we lived in my fathers America. By the way, does anyone know what the hell happened? What is so wrong with that America anyway?
My youngest(25) said to me one day out of the blue."Dad, when you guys are gone, this place is gonna go straight to hell."
All I could say was: We taught our values to you young man and now it is up to you to live them and teach them to your sons and daughters. All we can pray for is that there is enough of us left.

So very true! They still have a chance.
I am new to this organization, but I totally agree with you on waiving fees for vets. I served my time in the Air Force and I also worked for the Federal Bureau of Prisons until I was medically forced to retire, yet I get no benefits from either of them.
When I applied for my local CCW permit, I had to indicate my veteran status but received no waived fees, and in another state I have CCW in, they required my DDForm 214.
I read the post regarding free drivers licenses for vets, I'll have to check into that as I just moved to a new state.
Thanks to all that served and are still serving, hope you're doing well.
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United States Constitution, Amendment 14, Section 1 (in part):

"No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

If anyone has their fees waived because they are a particular class of person, everyone should get their fees waived.


Sorry, just the "radical" libertarian in me...

Then by this measure no Police Officer, or retired Police Officer, should enjoy special consideration with respect to carrying a weapon, concealed or otherwise, neh? And just how do you recommend we present this disparity of fairness under the 14th Amendment?
In Texas, Active Duty Military do NOT have to pay for CHL license, and if your instructor is pro-military or just plain likes you, they won't charge you much (if any) for the Course. I chose to pay for my Photos instead of asking him to foot the bill for that too. Reserve Military, only pay 50% of the rate of the license. That is what all states ought to do! IMHO
I agree with most everyone. I think us active duty members and our reservist brethern should get reduced or free permits. Most of us have had plenty of weapons training, CQC, etc. I am all for it! Speaking of which....i need to renew mine, it expires next year.
Has any military member (active or reserve) ever gotten past the "requirements" by your sheriff (in NC) for CCW/CHL? I really would like to know. I am moving back to NC (military move) and will have my TX CHL, but considering getting one from NC, if there is not too much hassle.

Anyone? NC?:wacko:

When I applied for my local CCW permit, I had to indicate my veteran status but received no waived fees, and in another state I have CCW in, they required my DDForm 214.
I read the post regarding free drivers licenses for vets, I'll have to check into that as I just moved to a new state.
Thanks to all that served and are still serving, hope you're doing well.

If my memory is not to messed up the DDForm 214 is your discharge paper work correct? You were most likely asked for this because if you were dishonorably discharged then in most (not sure if its all) that will disqualify you for a carry permit. As for waiving the fees I feel all Active, gaurd, reserve and retired should be treated equally and not pay the fees or even be required to have a permit, (in GA your active ID acts as a carry permit), if you have done your time honorably. I have seen it too many times, me (active air force) and my father in law (retired army) go somwhere and I get a discount or reconized for my service but not him. I continually remind men and woman who thank me that they should be thanking the retired for if it were not for the wars they fought I would not have received the privilage to serve for the SAME country they did. I take great honor in serving my country and can only hope that one day ALL that live here will have as much gratitude for the retired and fallen heroes as I do.
In SC disabled vets and retired police officers don't have to pay the $50 fee. In order to prove that you are a disabled vet you need a copy of your DD214.
I had a thought when I applied for my C&R. Police, and other active and retired law enforcement personell get their fees waived and renewal fees waived. My thought was, why not active duty, Retired and Honorably discharged vets get that same break? I am all for paying for the initial background check as this does require time and effort. The regular fees however in my opinion for the above mentioned should be the same as law enforcements.
Agree? Disagree? What do you think?

i for one think that vet's should be afforded the same as l.e.o's as most have faced as much and more.