Veterans and Guns?


New member
Unless I hear different, it seems that the social group Veterans and Guns is gonzo. Suggest post into Military and Veterans forums. Thank God for small mercies as the threads moved into the M & V forum, but it has caused confusion and contacts to my e-mail address by confused/concerened patrons. :wacko: Something IMHO that should have come from this site's owner, no big I'll post what I have on VA stuff into that mix-match forum,

I'm not understanding your post. What exactly does "Veterans and Guns is gonzo" mean? The group seems to be up and running fine to me.

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I have not received 1 email or private message from anyone being confused about what happened. If anyone doesn't understand, please feel free to read the threads where I have explained what happened below or contact me.

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Also, I'm not sure what you mean about something not coming from me. I clearly stated what happened in the thread above and there was a poll about it on the site. You are saying I didn't tell anyone I merged the threads...or wait, HAD to merge the threads because I had to upgrade the forum software?

If you look at your group you will even see I tested the new feature that allowed you to have threads showing up right on the group page which it seems no one in the group is using. The way I see it, you have forums within your group instead of somewhere else on the site now. I think that would be less confusing than the setup before which is probably why the people that wrote the software made the change. I really don't want to have to explain myself again about this but THIS WAS A NECESSARY CHANGE TO UPGRADE THE SOFTWARE THE ENTIRE SITE RUNS ON!!!
