Veteran tears down American flag...


New member
:mad:If the title doesn't sound right it is because something wasn't. A Mexican restauant in Reno, Nev. was flying the Mexican flag above the American flag. An enraged VET (looked like a crazy Viet Vet, I know what they look like because I are one) came and tore down the American flag, took it and said he would fight for it. He alson threw the Mexican flag to the ground with as much respect as they were giving our flag. I have the actual video and am sure it will soon be out there with a link soon...

"God Bless America and the Vets who served us!!

Seems like I heard he got in trouble for it to. It's probably true in this screwed up society we have become.:mad:
Good for him!

I'm not a vet but as an American that just makes me boil! This reminds me of a story out of Cali were high school students flew the mexican flag above the United States flag. Then to top it off the US flag was flown upside down!!!!! Still pisses me off talking about it! I think this guy did good!
Vet Tears down Mexican flag

"I'm not a vet but as an American that just makes me boil! This reminds me of a story out of Cali were high school students flew the Mexican flag above the United States flag. Then to top it off the US flag was flown upside down!!!!! Still pisses me off talking about it! I think this guy did good!"

I hadn't heard of this one however, not having read or seen anything concerning this I might be consigned to think that this may have been a protest against Illegal Aliens.

I know that when the US Flag is flown upside down it is to represent n]the need for help, an SOS so to speak. Perhaps by putting the American Flag under the Mexican Flag and flying it upside down was the students way to bring attention to the damage these illegal aliens are doing to the US, and in particular to that State (CA).

Mind you, this is conjecture on my part, but I do respect our veteran who did what he did in Reno. More power to him, and to the rest of us too, to do this should we see more of these assaults on America in the future.
Veteran tears down American flag...
I saw this when it happened, both on the news and on the video afterward. Makes you proud that he'd stand up that way. Perhaps this is the new "shot heard 'round the world." God bless him for it!

I'd like to think I'd have the stones to do the same if it happened here.

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