Va Tech Simulation Video


M. Todd Bayliss
I just ran across this. No news to those of us here, but you could pass it along to those on the fence about concealed carry. The first one is no ccw from the FBI point of view, the second is from the point of view of an armed student in the classroom.

YouTube - Virginia Tech rampage VR simulation. 100% gun ban FBI POV.

YouTube - Virginia Tech rampage VR simulation.Self defense scenario V2

That looks like a video game.
I don't think the AI is sophisticated enough to convince anyone, that it is an accurate simulation. Nice try though.
Yeah!!! Ok I guess its a good start, sort of. I think a much more better depiction could be made. I find it interesting that the CCW student is armed with what looks like an AK. HMM how do I fit that down my pants!!! :)
Call me crazy, but I don't think a recording of a video game is going to make lawmakers believe we are responsible enough to CCW on campus. I get the point that your trying to illustrate, and I agree with you completely. But I think these "simulations" are going to do more harm than good. Especially with the subtitles and some what unprofessional messages displayed at the begining.

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