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About 50 V.A. medical centers reported problems with electronic health records. As the Department of Veterans Affairs transitions to a total cyber health care based treatment modality the records your provider pulls up on their computer better be yours. It does not hinder treatment to question: "What is my last name and last 4 of my SSN?" or you notice unexpected changes in Rx's prescribed, or your provider is treating you for a condition you do not have. Veterans Today lists the problems in this link:
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Yes! I know the V.A. tries hard to do it's job well, but this points to a computer glitch not a provider one, although the provider does have the ultimate responsibility to know the patient, the medical/psychological conditions, the drugs they dispense, and the history of the whole multi-system problems the patient has.
If you are a diabetic and hypertensive a doctor should be treating it with drugs, if you are also seeing Behavioral Health Service for a condition like P.T.S.D. and being given a benzodiazepine (Valium, Xanax, etc.) then the Rx's better jive in your system or a medical Rx error may terminate your illness and you too! Classic example of one I know about that happened to a Vet I knew [ex-Navy mechanic], presented with a infected cut, was allergic to penicillin, and finds out the doctor missed that and gave him Robicillin VK® in the 5 min window he spent with the busy V.A. urgent care provider, so he takes it without knowing (doesn't sound like penicillin right?) and ended up with an airway closure incident that put him into a civilian ICU on an intubator for a week. V.A.'s answer was a pharmacy error who blamed the doctor who blamed the patient for not yelling at the doctor that he was allergic to all PCN drugs! Doctor claimed the allergy was not listed on the screen.... so blame the frigging computer! He was/is service-connected at 40% and ended up with a 5-figure bill from a local hospital that is still being disputed by the V.A. for payment to the civilian hospital. Maybe he should sue the V.A. computer!
Look up drugs for brand name or generic Rx names here:
MedlinePlus: Drugs & Supplements
That's all I have on this update that may help even if it only helps 1 USA Carry patron/Veteran heeds it.
I will post any and all future V.A. medical or procedural/benefits alerts into this thread.
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Yes! I know the V.A. tries hard to do it's job well, but this points to a computer glitch not a provider one, although the provider does have the ultimate responsibility to know the patient, the medical/psychological conditions, the drugs they dispense, and the history of the whole multi-system problems the patient has.
If you are a diabetic and hypertensive a doctor should be treating it with drugs, if you are also seeing Behavioral Health Service for a condition like P.T.S.D. and being given a benzodiazepine (Valium, Xanax, etc.) then the Rx's better jive in your system or a medical Rx error may terminate your illness and you too! Classic example of one I know about that happened to a Vet I knew [ex-Navy mechanic], presented with a infected cut, was allergic to penicillin, and finds out the doctor missed that and gave him Robicillin VK® in the 5 min window he spent with the busy V.A. urgent care provider, so he takes it without knowing (doesn't sound like penicillin right?) and ended up with an airway closure incident that put him into a civilian ICU on an intubator for a week. V.A.'s answer was a pharmacy error who blamed the doctor who blamed the patient for not yelling at the doctor that he was allergic to all PCN drugs! Doctor claimed the allergy was not listed on the screen.... so blame the frigging computer! He was/is service-connected at 40% and ended up with a 5-figure bill from a local hospital that is still being disputed by the V.A. for payment to the civilian hospital. Maybe he should sue the V.A. computer!
Look up drugs for brand name or generic Rx names here:
MedlinePlus: Drugs & Supplements
That's all I have on this update that may help even if it only helps 1 USA Carry patron/Veteran heeds it.
I will post any and all future V.A. medical or procedural/benefits alerts into this thread.