Utah Permit Received


North Star Packer
Received my Utah Permit - 45 days
I live in Wisconsin and applied for the Utah concealed carry permit a few months ago and got it back in about three weeks.
Get the proper training and mail in the proper documents (and cash). Utah has a mail in non-resident program that many states reciprocate.
There are some catches with the non-resident permit. One is that some states will not recognize an out of state persons non-resident permit. Wisconsin won't issue nor will it recognize any permit. Wisconsin residents have the right to carry in the open but that will be challenged by any police officer and could result in a fine or prosecution. I have been told that there is hope of the laws changing in favor of concealed carry but as it stands God would get hauled in for carrying a cap-gun under his robe.
Hello to all. Carry Glock 19 nice weapon. AZ resident CCW. Travel 6 months most states. Just did CCW Utah and noticed little line about non resident CCW . Trying to find a link that I do not have to got through state by state to see what ones will honor a non resident CCW of Utah.

Have a nice day
Mr. Bob
Link Removed :pleasantry:
Non-resident permits

I notice none of you live in Utah. Why and how can you apply for out of state permit?

A number of states issues permits to non-residents and have specific processes and requirements for issuance of such a permit.The ones that get you the most states are probably Utah and Florida. New Hampshire's non-resident permit is also useful. These are useful if your resident permit from your home state does not have reciprocity with a state that you visit or your home state does not issue or is may-issue with ridiculous requirements making it nearly impossible to get a permit. When I lived in VA and had a VA resident permit, it was not recognized by Georgia which I visit frequently. Since Georgia does not issue non-resident permits, I got a non-resident permit from New Hampshire which, at the time, only cost $20 for 4 years and was recognized by GA.

I now live in CO which has reciprocity with a good number of states. It does not have reciprocity VA, WA and a few other states. I could take another training course and get a Utah permit which would allow me to carry in several states that do not have reciprocity with CO - WA, MN, VA, WV and OH.

Note: Some states do not recognize non-resident permits and some states do not have reciprocity with any other state.

Concealed Carry Permit Reciprocity Maps is a good resource for finding out which states have reciprocity with other states and has links to state regs and procedures for applying.
My wait was 45 days from when they charged my credit card. The 45 days also included christmas and new years holidays, so possible the wait will be shorter now that the holidays are over, except Martin L will cost a day.
Hello to all. Carry Glock 19 nice weapon. AZ resident CCW. Travel 6 months most states. Just did CCW Utah and noticed little line about non resident CCW . Trying to find a link that I do not have to got through state by state to see what ones will honor a non resident CCW of Utah.

Have a nice day
Mr. Bob
Link Removed :pleasantry:

The list of states constantly changes, so I advise my students to check with the states that they will be traveling in just prior to traveling to the state. I also suggest getting and maintaining as many non-resident CC permits as you can afford. You never know when one of your permits will be good in a particular state one month, then not valid the next month due to changes in the law. (State of NV is a good example. Many people were content on having a FL or UT CC license/permit to use when traveling to NV. Due to recent changes in the law, UT and FL permits are no longer valid in NV)

A good place to start would be the UT BCI website Link Removed The site is updated on a regular basis and should have the most current information. If you have any questions, you can call Utah BCI for assistance. They're usually very helpful and will provide you with the info you're looking for, or at minimum let you know where to find it. Just don't call them on Fridays, as the state offices work on a 4 day work week.


I agree if you are a resident you do not need a Utah permit. I travel 6-7 monthsw out of the year and my resident state does not cover a few states I go into that utah as a non-resident permit holder will honor.

I do not need another ccw permit to just say I have one. Arizona, now my resident state covers a lot of states I travel in .

I just want to be legal even at another addional cost. I feel I have carried safe for many years but now is the time to get legal again with all the new laws coming out of the wood work.

Be nice one day but I am sure ay my age If I will see all states if you have pased a rigid ccw course that they will honor any state that you have for a resident state to CC.

Regard to all menbers great site and a lot of useful information from all concerned,
NRA 166355851
Mr. Bob
Link Removed
I received my Mn permit in 29 days. I decided to get the Mn permit incase laws were changed and the Utah permit would not be accepted in my home state Mn or some of the other states that I travel in, where they accept the Mn permit. I spend some time in Nevada and Colorado, I am disapointed that these two states do not reconize the Mn or Utah permits for CC.

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