I’m a newbie, so please be gentle. Wife and I are beginning to get into target shooting. We are starting from near ground zero, and learning fast. Joined NRA, took defensive class, created range on property, bought a few guns, and are having fun. Wife is handicapped, and she can’t run, so she has applied for a carry permit. I am having interesting times due to essential tremors. We’ve advanced from just a 12 gauge kept around for general protection, to a 12 and a 20 gauge, two 357’s, and two 22’s. The 357’s are mostly to carry, while the 22’s let us play cheaply. Enough background I think.
I read about “snap caps”, and that they were good for the revolver to protect it when dry firing. Bought some for the 357’s, they seem to work. The 22’s are rimfire, not centerfire, so snap caps seem dubious. I found a site that said to just use empty cartridge cases, sounded good, so I tried it. Grrr, junk from inside used cartridge cases got all over the inside of my nice clean cylinders.
So my question is, how do I clean the junk out of the used cartridge? Can I just swish them around in gasoline? Any chance some little bit of primer might be left, and blow me up?
Some used cartridges seem to fit better than others. Do the cases get distorted when they are used? Is it a good idea to use old cases this way, or should I just dry fire with nothing in the cylinder? Thanks for all suggestions.
I read about “snap caps”, and that they were good for the revolver to protect it when dry firing. Bought some for the 357’s, they seem to work. The 22’s are rimfire, not centerfire, so snap caps seem dubious. I found a site that said to just use empty cartridge cases, sounded good, so I tried it. Grrr, junk from inside used cartridge cases got all over the inside of my nice clean cylinders.
So my question is, how do I clean the junk out of the used cartridge? Can I just swish them around in gasoline? Any chance some little bit of primer might be left, and blow me up?
Some used cartridges seem to fit better than others. Do the cases get distorted when they are used? Is it a good idea to use old cases this way, or should I just dry fire with nothing in the cylinder? Thanks for all suggestions.