New member
Simple assault is not a justified use of deadly force, I understand that.
Are broken bones and blood beyond reasonable force and justification for the use of deadly force ?
What if a dude twice my size pushes me around then punches me in the mouth and breaks my jaw ?
Or say he knocks a couple of teeth out of my mouth and bloodies my nose
Would that be considered "Serious Physical Injury" or "Great Bodily Harm" as defined by The Law ?
Can anyone here point me to the laws pertaining to the "Use of Deadly Force Against A Person"
I recently took the Concealed Carry Class here in NC ( I've had my CT permit for 20+ years now) and was surprised that the only place I can find reference to these laws of self defense was in the training handbook,
Thought there would be a statute or some other reference to the Common Laws ?
You guys are great, Lots of good info here.
Are broken bones and blood beyond reasonable force and justification for the use of deadly force ?
What if a dude twice my size pushes me around then punches me in the mouth and breaks my jaw ?
Or say he knocks a couple of teeth out of my mouth and bloodies my nose
Would that be considered "Serious Physical Injury" or "Great Bodily Harm" as defined by The Law ?
Can anyone here point me to the laws pertaining to the "Use of Deadly Force Against A Person"
I recently took the Concealed Carry Class here in NC ( I've had my CT permit for 20+ years now) and was surprised that the only place I can find reference to these laws of self defense was in the training handbook,
Thought there would be a statute or some other reference to the Common Laws ?
You guys are great, Lots of good info here.
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