USAcarry withdraws!


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I went up to Nashville last week and was not able to get online all week. Had a good time but missed checking out what was going on here. But I'm back now! Whoooohooooo

Yep, tough to miss a while. We've got a lot of coming and going this summer so I've already taken some extended breaks from the forums and in general been able to visit less with school out and summer here--crazy how much happens on here in a week! Always good to check back in. :)
How was Nashville? It's was awfully hot here last week, but from FL it probably seemed cool. I understand the withdrawals. I have started a new job and am having a new addition added to our house. I can't seem to get what I have to do done, let alone do anything I just want to do. Glad you made it home safely.
How was Nashville? It's was awfully hot here last week, but from FL it probably seemed cool. I understand the withdrawals. I have started a new job and am having a new addition added to our house. I can't seem to get what I have to do done, let alone do anything I just want to do. Glad you made it home safely.

Ya it was alittle warm but being from Florida it didn't bother us. We had a great time and it was nice to see some mountains! The biggest mountain around here is the skyway bridge! lol

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