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Updated list showing Charleston, Florence and Myrtle Beach.

Jan 19-20 Columbia, Jamil Temple SC Arms Collector Assoc.
Feb 9-10 Greenville, Expo center SC Arms Collector Assoc
Feb 16-17 Charleston, Exchange Park Fairgrounds, Land of the Sky
Mar 29-30 Columbia, Jamil Temple SC Arms Collector Assoc.
Apr 19-20 Florence, Florence Civic Center, Land of the Sky
Apr 26-27 Greenville, Expo center SC Arms Collector Assoc
May 31-Jun 1 Charleston, Exchange Park Fairgrounds, Land of the Sky
Jun 14-15 Columbia, SC State Fair Land of the Sky
Jul 26-27 Columbia, Jamil Temple SC Arms Collector Assoc.
Sep 6-7 Charleston, Exchange Park Fairgrounds, Land of the Sky
Sep 20-21 Greenville, Expo center SC Arms Collector Assoc
Sep 27-28 Florence, Florence Civic Center, Land of the Sky
Nov 8-9 Myrtle Beach, Myrtle Beach Convention Center Land of the Sky
Nov 15-16 Columbia, Jamil Temple SC Arms Collector Assoc.
Nov 29-30 Charleston, Exchange Park Fairgrounds, Land of the Sky
Dec 13-14 Columbia, SC State Fair Land of the Sky
Dec 20-21 Greenville, Expo center SC Arms Collector Assoc


Just a reminder, Columbia and Greenville gun shows are very soon. Hope to see some of you there! If you know of any others in SC please add them to this thread!

Jamil Shrine Center
206 Jamil Road
Columbia, SC 29210

Show Dates

November 17 & 18, 2007

January 19 & 20, 2008

March 29 & 30, 2008

July 26 & 27, 2008

November 15 & 16, 2008


Carolina First Center
1 Exposition Drive
Greenville, SC 29607

Show Dates

December 15 & 16, 2007

February 9 & 10, 2008

April 26 & 27, 2008

September 20 & 21, 2008

December 20 & 21, 2008


Land of Sky shows

Charleston (Ladson Fairgrounds) on Feb. 16-17

Columbia (State Fairgrounds) on March 1-2


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I'm trying to find out their schedule. They still have the 2007 schedule listed. I'll post it here if I find out.
I sent Mike Kent the guy that runs these shows an email

his response to me was:

Charleston (Ladson Fairgrounds) Feb. 16-17
Columbia (State Fairgrounds) March 1-2
his response to me was:

Charleston (Ladson Fairgrounds) Feb. 16-17
Columbia (State Fairgrounds) March 1-2
I got the same email.

We changed website providers and they are updating our site. Should be up and running by end of next week.
Meantime our next 2 SC shows are Charleston (Ladson
Fairgrounds) on Feb. 16-17 and Columbia (State
Fairgrounds) on March 1-2. Thanks!
I question... can you carry into the Palmetto expo center?
I am not sure if signs are posted, but even if not, they are lisc to sell alchohol...so can you even step foot in while carring or just avoid the food area....:pirata:
You can't carry at the gun show. They have the proper sign at the entrance of the show. I'm not sure about other activities in the building. I haven't seen any signs other than the gun shows.
You can't carry at the gun show. They have the proper sign at the entrance of the show. I'm not sure about other activities in the building. I haven't seen any signs other than the gun shows.

sucks you cant take your gun, try on a holster etc....

I went years ago, and you could not even get a feel for how a gun/holster would wear...
I bought one anyway, its OK, but not Great. I may not have bought it if I could have tried it out.

I understand why they do it, just a shme they have to.
I found this site and had to post. I JUST had an experiance with Mr. Kent and his show in Columbia SC and had to put the wod out. I am a CCW permit holder, and a SC State Constable (volunteer/reserve police officer). I came to his event on Saturday, Dec 12 2009 and announced at the gun safety point that I was an LEO and armed. He stated that since I was a Constable and not a full-time LEO that I had to disarm before I could visit the show. I wrote him this letter the following Monday and check out me email and his response:

Mr. Kent,

I took a new lady friend to your event in Columbia SC yesterday. Being the honest person that I am I showed the front table my credentials and told them I was armed. Much to my shock and embarrassment, I was told I could not carry my weapon loaded/concealed in the show. I was told it was because of your insurance. If I were alone, I would have left and not gone back. But since I had a lady with me and she was shopping for a handgun, I went back to the vehicle, disarmed and went back in. That caused me and my lady friend to have to stand in line outside in the cold another 15 minutes to get in. The man at the table did offer to hold my ammo but there is no way I would give a stranger my ammo or any part of a firearm.

I am not a full-time compensated LEO but I am a VERY highly trained one. Most LEO only fire their weapons only once a year. I fire as much as ammunition availability will let me which is at least four times a year including shooting scenarios and exercises. In fact, I logged 608 LE hours including patrol and training the past four quarters.

I have to wonder how many thugs or dishonest people went in there with concealed weapons. You have no idea do you? You don't search or have a metal detector do you? What if one of the scumbags I locked up was in there armed? How would it look if I were shot and killed by one of them and it was discovered I was not allowed to be armed? How well would that sit with your insurance? I'm sure my family would get a much larger settlement than if I were a civilian. I will never come to your event again. I will spread the word to my fellow Constables and to other LEO's in the state so they can decide if your practice of not allowing reserve officers to carry warrants their business. There is another gun show in town that comes to the Jamil Temple as frequently as yours. I'll go there from now on. Not only do they let me in armed, THEY LET ME IN FREE! I have been to my last Land of the Sky Gun Show.

KENT'S Response:

Thank you Mr. DAC_SC, Nothing would please me more than to have you NOT attend any more of my events. Wannabe law enforcement officers such as yourself are what give all constables a bad name. In fact, the last time a constable confronted me about carrying a loaded weapon in my show and using his credentials to gain free admission to the show, I spoke with my SLED contact in Columbia and had his commission pulled the next day. I appreciate you being so honest as to give me your name and contact number so I can once again contact SLED to alert them of a poser using his credentials to badger civilians. I think the title of your e-mail says it all. You just made a "bad choice" Mr. DAC_SC. Sincerely,Mike KentPresident, Land of the Sky Gun Shows

You decide.................
I actually had to think about this one for a night.

Don't take this the wrong way but I have a problem with LEO's being able to carry every where and regular citizens not being able to. I've actually in the past considered becoming a State constable to get around this, but because I thought it would be hypercritical as well as too time consuming, so far I've passed. Even though I think you should have been allowed to carry in the gun show, I think the management was in their rights to say no.

With all that said, the letter from Mike Kent is just plain insulting and bad form and disgust me beyond measure. Now I know why I've never taken the time to go to a Land of Lakes show and probably never will.
I actually had to think about this one for a night.

Don't take this the wrong way but I have a problem with LEO's being able to carry every where and regular citizens not being able to. I've actually in the past considered becoming a State constable to get around this, but because I thought it would be hypercritical as well as too time consuming, so far I've passed. Even though I think you should have been allowed to carry in the gun show, I think the management was in their rights to say no.

With all that said, the letter from Mike Kent is just plain insulting and bad form and disgust me beyond measure. Now I know why I've never taken the time to go to a Land of Lakes show and probably never will.

I agree with blume357 in that it is the right of the management to enact whatever policies they want to enact, but his email was insulting, degrading, and way out of line.
I have a question and may just not understand. I also went to the show saturday and saw no proper sign against carrying concealed, all I saw was a sign that said no loaded guns. So how is we're not allowed to carry into this show? Is it because it is at the fair grounds, or is there a law about gun shows that forbids it?
all guns shows I've been to are this way. Too many folks bringing in loaded weapons to show and sell and the chance of somebody doing something stupid.... it has happened before and is a law suit for sure. Anyone with half a lick of sense that is concealed carrying knows not to handle their gun in public.
I actually had to think about this one for a night.

Don't take this the wrong way but I have a problem with LEO's being able to carry every where and regular citizens not being able to. I've actually in the past considered becoming a State constable to get around this, but because I thought it would be hypercritical as well as too time consuming, so far I've passed. Even though I think you should have been allowed to carry in the gun show, I think the management was in their rights to say no.

With all that said, the letter from Mike Kent is just plain insulting and bad form and disgust me beyond measure. Now I know why I've never taken the time to go to a Land of Lakes show and probably never will.

Not to be insulting either but I agree with blume357 and thought about that situation myself.

I don't think LEOs should be above the law to carry everywhere when CWP holders cannot.
Just as you felt unjust in not have you carry, I feel the same way without mine.
The letter from Mike Kent is distasteful and arrogant, sounds like there is a chip.

I do feel that all LEO should promote and support CWP holders and the public's 2A rights and vice-versa.

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