Up coming training....


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I'm about two weeks out from some more training. This class goes over a lot of the same stuff the tactical classes I took before covered but all evolutions start with your gun holstered and concealed. Its a one day class that covers 500 rounds. Should be a lot of fun and hopefully better equip me should I ever need to defend myself.

The best part about the class is after you pass it the range that its held at will let you draw from a holster and fire anytime you come in. It's going to be nice being able to practice from a holster whenever I go to shoot
Sounds like good training.

Is this course being presented by folks you've trained with previously? I'm looking forward to an after-action-report!

Ammo availability sounds like the biggest challenge to me... but such is life. Tear 'em up!:biggrin:
Sounds like good training.

Is this course being presented by folks you've trained with previously? I'm looking forward to an after-action-report!

Ammo availability sounds like the biggest challenge to me... but such is life. Tear 'em up!:biggrin:

Yep this class is taught be an instructor I have previously trained with. The advanced class is only available to students that have completed his tactical class and show solid fundamentals. After this class I'm planning on taking some classes from other instructors to, hopefully, get a more rounded style. The biggest plus of completing this class is being able to shoot from a holster at the local range.

Now the bad news, there was 5 of us scheduled for the class and 3 ended up not being able to make it due to family issues or not being able to get 500 rounds of ammo. The ammo one I don't buy cause we had six weeks to get it. So I'm working with the instructor and the 4 other guys now on trying to get it rescheduled.
I hear you Kimber. The ammo issue has been the single greatest hurdle for my own Intermediate and Tactical courses - but I'm trusting and hoping that as ammo bcomes more readily available, I'll have more opportunity to run those courses down here.

Like HK4U said, I'm looking forward to hearing about how this course works out for you - and congrats.

Just out of curiosity, what gun and rig will you use for this course, since it's all completed from concealment?
I hear you Kimber. The ammo issue has been the single greatest hurdle for my own Intermediate and Tactical courses - but I'm trusting and hoping that as ammo bcomes more readily available, I'll have more opportunity to run those courses down here.

Like HK4U said, I'm looking forward to hearing about how this course works out for you - and congrats.

Just out of curiosity, what gun and rig will you use for this course, since it's all completed from concealment?

I've been working with my group and the instructor trying to reschedule but we are still trying to lock down a date. Looks like maybe the last week in Aug.

Since we are going to be doing everything for concealment I'm going to run the class with my primary carry setup. My Kimber Ultra CDP II holstered in a Comp-Tac Infidel IWB holster and a Wilson mag pouch.

I'll try and get some pictures also. My avatar was taken from his Tactical Pistol class.
Very cool and sounds like a sweet CC set up & rig.

The indoor range is a nice perk - training regardless of weather outdoors always is.
Very cool and sounds like a sweet CC set up & rig.

The indoor range is a nice perk - training regardless of weather outdoors always is.

Ya its nice not having to worry about the weather. It would be interesting to run a few drills in the rain once. Just to see how the elements might affect you. The lighting at the indoor range sucks but I figure training in that low light environment only helps.

Ya I can't say enough about the Kimber. I've run a couple 1 day 500 round classes with it and still have not had any stoppages. Great gun.

I checked out your website. Looks like you have some great courses also. Wish I lived a little closer to Arizona!!
Hey KimberPB,

How are you looking for that course in late Aug? Is it still on?

I was having a hard time getting everyone in my group to commit to a date so I could not guaranty the instructor enough people to setup a class in Aug. He did have a class on 9/30 with an opening so I signed up for that one. I've been itching to take some training but I'll have to wait one more month. For now I've just been doing dry fire drill at the house and hitting the range every few weeks.

I think I'm going to take a carbine class that same week, money permitting.

I'll keep you posted.

Also what method do you teach as far as using the front sight, point shooting, ect? After this class I think I’m going to start trying to get some training from different instructors once or twice a year, even if I have to go out of state. Just to kind see what other techniques and teachings are out there.
Sorry to hear about the delay, but glad to hear you're staying committed to your own training in the meantime.

Depending on the class I'm running, CCW or Intermediate Pistol are probably my most common here, I'll typically begin with basic fundamentals, using front-sight/marksmanship for accuracy to develop skill while building confidence (particularly with new shooters).

But I quickly transcend into defensive/practical pistol drills, which includes a lot of up-close shooting from concealment, a lot of multiple target engagements and shooting while moving. That's all combat/snap shooting. I believe this is far more applicable and appropriate for CC as well as some home-defense situations. My shooters love it, and that's one of my goals. If the participant's confidence in their ability skyrockets, especially when they know they can score hits with or without sights, then all is good. Plus we know, when the stress of an actual encounter occurs, use of sights is NOT first and foremost in staying alive. Staying alive is!

The Carbine course sounds fun too - I'll be running another one of those next month too! Those are always lots of fun.
On the radar screen

Hey KimberPB - I wish you were closer to Arizona!

I've got a "custom hybrid" course in the hopper, probably to occur in Sept (?). It's a tailored Intermediate/Tactical Pistol course with Tactical Carbine included.

I'll see if I can recruit someone to shoot video as this should be some cool/fun/effective training. :yu:

I wish I had more of a photography-minded prowess, but I don't. When I'm on the range, that's pretty much all I'm thinking about. :ph34r:
Hey KimberPB - I wish you were closer to Arizona!

I've got a "custom hybrid" course in the hopper, probably to occur in Sept (?). It's a tailored Intermediate/Tactical Pistol course with Tactical Carbine included.

I'll see if I can recruit someone to shoot video as this should be some cool/fun/effective training. :yu:

I wish I had more of a photography-minded prowess, but I don't. When I'm on the range, that's pretty much all I'm thinking about. :ph34r:

Sounds like a fun class!! Has it happened yet? I'd love to see some pics or video.

I have 15 more days till my carbine class and then the advance tac pistol the following day. Can't wait.

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